Always Lewis

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One week passed and now the complete opposite happened. Harry was avoiding Louis.

The truth?

The boys had told him that he was acting all cute and stuff with Eleanor and Harry couldn't stand even the idea of it. He even fucking brought her when they were just hanging out.


So Harry thought that it was better just to avoid them and who knew? Maybe one day he would realize that Louis was just a crush and he would simply move on. Meanwhile, Harry tried to focus on other things. He hang out almost all the time with the boys and studied a lot. He hasn't seen or talked to Louis for quite some time. The only time he saw Louis was during classes and it was too hard even to face him. He would just sit there with Eleanor and smile at her or talk to her and Harry couldn't take it anymore. It was just too much for him. He could have this if he was not a wuss. He tried not to look at them but he just couldn't take his eyes off Louis, who seemed happy.


''So how are you and Eleanor?'' Zayn asked, as he opened a beer and handed it to Louis.

''Good, I guess.'' Louis replied and shrugged. Zayn raised an eyebrow and Louis sighed before taking a sip of his beer and nervously peeling off the label.

''It's just...uhm I am not feeling it. Like, there is no passion but maybe it's just the start.'' Louis said and looked Zayn serious.

They have been dating for a week and it was great, it really was but it was just not it. Maybe it's just the start and it's new for Louis. Maybe this is why he feels uncomfortable around her. Yeah that must be it.

''I felt so good when I was with Elise, so I don't know, man. I think when time passes you will understand. So, you have moved on from Harry?'' Zayn asked and Louis laughed.

''He was just a crush... not even a crush. I was confused because he was just such a good friend.'' Louis said laughing.

''Liar'' a voice in his mind said

''Oh great now I hear voices in my head.'' Louis thought.

Louis had told no one about how he found Harry's stuff on the road some days ago, while he was with Eleanor and he wasn't going to.


''Louis I am so happy. I've liked you for a while and now that you said that you wanted to date me ahhh.'' Eleanor beamed into Louis's ear, as she was holding his hand tightly. A-w-k-w-a-r-d.

They were walking towards their dorm from the field and Louis was happy. He was happy because he knew that his family was okay, he had his friends and now he was dating a really nice girl so he was pretty grateful for all these. Even for Harry. The past few weeks, he had been great actually, to the others. Louis was being rough on Harry and Harry looked kinda sad that Louis treated him that way. Maybe Louis could just listen to him, listen to everything that Harry had to say to him and maybe things go back to normal.

''I am also happy, El.'' Louis said and smiled at her. They started walking on the road, until Louis noticed a coat and a pair of glittery boots. He reached the spot and picked the coat up. He looked at it and saw that it had Harry's initials on. Why were these there? And why didn't Louis see them on his way to the field?

''What's that?'' Eleanor asked confused, that Louis just randomly picked up a stranger's coat.

''It's Harry's stuff.'' Louis mumbled, still looking at Harry's clothes.

''Why are then here?'' Eleanor asked once again and Louis started getting annoyed. She knew he was as confused as he was. Why did she keep asking?

''I don't know but I am taking them back to give them to him.'' Louis said and picked up the boots.


''You wanna go out tonight?'' Liam asked Niall, who nodded.

''Let me ask the rest of the boys.'' Niall said and opened his phone.

''You free to go out tonight?'' Niall texted the group chat that he had with the rest of the boys.

''Where? :)'' Louis texted back.

''Where?'' Niall asked Liam

''The club.'' Liam replied and Niall nodded, before texting back Louis.

''The club.''

''I'm in:)''

''Me too- H''

''Can Elise come too?''

''Sure.'' Niall replied and closed his phone

''This was nice Niall but I have to go. See you tonight.'' Liam said and got up.

''Bye Liam.''

''See ya.'' Liam said and left the apartment.

Niall decided to study until Harry came. He had go grocery shopping and to run some errands.


''Harry, we're leaving.'' Niall yelled and Harry came out of his bedroom wearing a simple T-Shirt and some skinny jeans.

''Why so simple?'' Niall asked and Harry smiled, before putting on a black full of glitter coat.

''Harreh.'' Niall whined and Harry laughed.

''I am wearing it.'' Harry stated and Niall rolled his eyes.


''Hi.'' Harry said, as soon as he spotted the boys and Elise.

''Hey'' they replied back, including Louis.

''Who is avoiding who?'' Niall whispered in Harry's ear and went to hug Elise.

''So, how are you guys?'' Harry asked, while scratching his neck. This was awkward... Harry could use a drink.


''Good.'' Everyone said, except from Louis, who was focused on his drink and the ice cubes floating on his whiskey's surface.

''We are going to dance.'' Zayn said, before grabbing Elise's hand and Liam followed them.

''So uhm I got to ga- go.'' Niall said and literally run towards Zayn.

Louis and Harry were now alone, sitting at the bar.

''What can I get you handsome?'' The bartender asked Harry and Louis felt like he wanted to puke.

Harry was just 18 and the bartender was around 30. Harry is just a fucking child.

''Whiskey neat.'' Harry said, without smiling or being his charming self. The bartender just left and returned with Harry's drink. Harry looked at him and then the drink carefully. The color was kinda off, so Harry smelled it, before making a disgusted expression.

''What did you do?'' Harry mumbled and the bartender looked confused.

''I did fucking nothing. If you don't want to drink it, don't'' the bartender said and walked away.

''What is it?'' Louis asked confused, as he watched the whole scene in front of him.

''Why do you care?'' Harry said, letting out a dry laugh, pushing his drink away.

''Excuse me, can I have a whiskey neat?'' Harry asked another bartender, who nodded.

''Ugh back to square one I see...'' Louis said, rolling his eyes and Harry laughed, as he took a sip of his new drink, that was completely normal.

''Always Lewis.'' Harry said and Louis laughed, as he remembered Harry calling him Lewis, when they first met.

''Wanna get out of here?'' Louis asked and Harry looked him straight into his blue eyes.

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