Done with Louis

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''Hi. I am Miranda White and I am the owner of the house.'' a middle- aged woman said and shook her hand, as he introduced himself and the boys.

''Shall we?'' the woman asked, politely and everyone nodded, before following her inside.

''The floor is wooden and there are two fireplaces. One in the living room, as you can see and one in one of the four bedrooms, which are upstairs. The kitchen is attached to the living room and it is also really spacious. The stairs lead to the second floor that includes the main bathroom and the bedrooms. Each bedroom has a bathroom. It has two large balconies in two bedrooms and two smaller ones in the other two. There is also a basement. It is a really nice house and it also has a big garden, as you have already seen.'' Miranda explained, as the boys were observing the living room and the kitchen.

It was a great house indeed. It has stone walls and the fireplace was made out of marble. Louis pictured in his head how this house was going to be, once they moved in when he bought it... if he bought it. A coffee table in front of the fireplace, a brown couch. The random books on the coffee table and some candles. Some lamps, a rug and armchairs. The kitchen was large and he would learn how to cook and... and... and. Louis smiled as he saw his ideas, forming in the empty space and making it home.

''Can we go upstairs and see the rest of the house?'' Louis asked, as politely, as he could and the woman nodded, smiling.

Louis, the girls and the boys climbed the stairs and looked at the rooms. The one with the fireplace also had the big balcony. It didn't have something special but it was so simple and pretty. Louis liked this one and it could turn out really nice. The other one was a huge room, that in the corner had this thing like a tent and the twins screamed, once they saw it. Louis smiled at them and nodded, meaning that they were free to go inside and look at it. Lottie was looking at the entrance of a room and Louis went near her and took a glance at it. It had bookshelves, instead of walls and it was the other one with the large balcony.

''It's great.'' Louis said and Lottie smiled, saying an 'It really is'. Lottie loved books, like Louis but it was more of a hobby for her.

''Oh My God!'' Louis heard Fizzy, saying and went towards the last bedroom that had a walk-in- closet and a piano.

''Oh a piano.'' Niall said, surprised, as he entered the room.

''No shit, Sherlock.'' Fizzy said and Louis high- fived her.

''I don't like you two.'' Niall mumbled and left.

''I like this house.'' Fizzy said and Louis smiled.

''Me too. Should we keep searching?'' Louis asked and Fizzy shook her head.

''No, it's perfect.'' she said and Louis felt himself relaxing. He liked this house so much, but if his sisters didn't like it too, then maybe it wasn't the right one.

''Let's go ask the others.'' Louis said and him and Fizzy exited the room.

''Where is everyone?'' Louis wondering, as he scratched the back of his neck. He went to the room, where he last saw the others. No one was inside, until he heard laughs coming from the tent. He touched the silky fabric and pulled it, revealing Lottie, the twins and the boys playing UNO.

''Are you guys literally playing UNO? Right now? Right here?'' Louis asked, sighing.

''Awesome, I wanna play too.'' Fizzy said and took a seat next to Liam, who handed her some cards, causing Louis to roll his eyes.

''Do you all like the house?'' Louis asked and screamed 'Yeah.''

''I am going to sign the papers then'' Louis said and everyone cheered.


Harry pulled over and he got out of his car. He looked around and saw Louis and Liam's cars. He headed towards the house's entrance. He raised his hand to knock on the door but halfway through, he stopped. He literally drove three hours, just for him to chicken out, when he was just one knock away from seeing Louis... and the others, but mostly Louis. He sighed, turned around and got into his car. He sat there for a few seconds or hours... Him and his thoughts. Harry felt like he couldn't keep doing this. He may be a selfish, a coward, a bastard... but he just couldn't. Every day, every hour, every minute, he felt himself falling deeper in love with the blue- eyed boy. Every little thing that Louis would do just made Harry's heart skip a beat. He was so brave. Harry admired Louis so much for being always strong, while he couldn't even sleep without seeing nightmares. Harry wanted to stay with Louis... with the boys... with Louis. But he couldn't. It was either him staying there and feeling his heart breaking with every little move that Louis would do, every smile that would flash to someone or every touch. Or he could just leave and everything would be okay, right? No Louis, no one reminding him of him. Nothing. Harry would just move on and when all these feelings were buried or even when they disappeared, he would come back and he would go to his old self.

This meant that he had to leave the boys. Ugh this was a mess. He couldn't just leave them... could he? If he said goodbye then they would know. What about Niall? He already knew so it was fine. And even if he came back what would he tell them? He didn't know shit. All he knew was that he wanted to leave.


He shook his head and started the car. He drove off.

He was done with all these shit... done with Louis.

For real this time.


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