Being locked up

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''We leave in like one day and we have done zero interesting things.'' Niall complained and Louis laid on the sand.

''Why are you laying on the sand, Lou?'' Harry said laughing and Louis grabbed his hand, pulling him down next to him.

''Warm. It feels really nice.'' Louis said and Harry smiled.

''You are so weird.'' Harry replied.

''Noticed it months after knowing me and now you are stuck with me.'' Louis said, closing his eyes and smiling and Harry placed his hand on Louis' tummy and pretended like his fingers were legs and walked all over his chest.

''Should I be threatened by this or grateful?'' Harry asked and smiled.

''Threatened.'' Louis replied and turned his head to look at him, his blue eyes looking at Harry's one.

''Well, isn't that the best threat I have heard in my life?'' Harry said and Louis smiled, before pecking Harry's lips and kissing his cheek.

''I don't want us to leave.'' Harry complained a little, pouting.

''We have to because Mark is coming on Saturday to spend time with the girls.'' Louis explained and Harry sighed.

''How do you feel about that?'' Harry said, stroking Louis' hand.

''Good, I guess. They hadn't spent time in forever and they will have some catching up to do.'' he said, shrugging and Harry smiled, kissing his hand.

''That's nice and I am sure they will have fun.'' Harry said, trying to encourage Louis.

''I have a dad somewhere, Harry.'' Louis said suddenly and he furrowed his eyebrows, pulling Louis closer, as close as he could.

''Why don't you go and-''

''And meet him? Please, no. I can't. What if he is a loser or he left me? And why didn't my mum want me to know about him?'' Louis wondered and Harry sighed again, closing his eyes slightly because he knew that was a big deal for Louis and his questions were reasonable. Fighting for custody against the man he has been calling 'dad' since forever? His whole world turned upside down, less than a year ago and Harry wished that he could take all his problems, doubts and ifs away but sadly, he couldn't and he also didn't want Louis not to meet his father because what if he was a great man, who could be his actual dad, his actual family? Everyone needs a family and he knew that, if Louis didn't meet his father and went on with his life with the ifs bothering him for the rest of it? Harry didn't want that for him.

''Lou, whatever happens, you won't lose anything. You didn't know him now and you pretend like you never met him. But what if you are missing at a great chance of meeting him? Having a great father and I am sure he is great because I know you and there is no bad in you, so the chances of him being bad or evil are really slim. It will bother you your whole life if you don't give him a chance.'' Harry said and Louis put his head on Harry's chest.

''I can't pretend that he is not a loser or bad or whatever. Once, I meet him and he is a piece of shit, I can't pretend that I never did and I have no father.'' Louis said and Harry kissed the top of his head, looking at the sky.

''When you are ready to meet him, you will feel it and when you did, I will be there, holding your hand the whole time.'' Harry reassured him and Louis smiled.

''It sounds, as if I am pregnant and you reassure me that everything is going to be fun.'' Louis said and Harry smiled a little and played with Louis' hair.

''Such a shame that you can't.'' Harry complained and Louis laughed.

''You are so obsessed with pregnancy.'' Louis commented.

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