Thank you

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''What?'' he asked.

''Were you saying the truth before about the whole custody thing?'' Lottie asked. Louis was happy that he could be the person that would help his siblings become normal teenagers and grow up in a safe environment. He looked at Lottie, smiled and went closer to her and hugged her tightly. He felt his muscles relaxing and a weight being lifted off his shoulders. He had to take care of a lot of stuff but he was sure that he could manage. Tears were rolling down his eyes and he let out a sob as he whispered a 'Yes' to Lottie, who just hugged him as tight as she could, rubbing his back. Yup, Louis could definitely do this. Not for him, but for his sisters and his mum. He would provide a better future for them, he would. Louis after a few minutes pulled away and he looked at the boys who were smiling at him.

''So does anyone know a good lawyer?'' Louis asked and all the boys smiled before they had a group hug. Liam then said.

''My dad is a lawyer.'' Liam said, out of the blue.

''Really?'' Louis asked.

''Yeah, do you want me to give you his phone number?'' Liam asked.

''Yes sure, thanks lad.'' Louis said smiling but his smile faded.

''We have to go to Doncaster. We can't let the girls with him. Shit. We need to go right now. Can we even take them? I mean, I am eighteen but can I? Where will they stay? Shit. Shit.'' Louis said and got up walking around the room. Harry looked around and run his hand through his hair, biting his lip. Harry knew it would make it very hard for him, getting over Louis but he wanted to help him because after all, he liked Louis.

''I can help.'' Harry said and Niall looked at him with a confused that Harry just ignored and instead he continued ''I can help you go to Doncaster and pick up the girls. You can stay at my place. It has two bedrooms and two large couches. You can stay for as long as you guys want.''

''Really?'' Louis asked and then looked at Lottie, who just nodded and said a 'Thanks Harry'

''Yeah, sure.'' Harry said and Louis hugged him, letting out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

''Shall we?'' Niall asked.

''Are you guys coming too?'' Louis asked and the boys nodded.

''Of course, no offence Lottie but your dad is mean and weird.'' Niall said and Lottie laughed.

''None taken, Niall.'' Lottie said, smiling.

''Ok, so we are taking 2 cars?'' Louis asked.

''Yup. You and your siblings in one and the rest of us in the other one.'' Liam said.

''Sure.'' Louis said and he opened the door for the others to exit the apartment. Niall locked and they all headed to their cars. Turns out, for some weird reason Harry knew exactly where the school is so the boys decided to buy cars because they finally knew where the fuck they were spending their college years. Louis actually bought the car this morning, which was actually crazy because a lot had happened since last night and he had no idea. They got into the car and Liam opened the door, the last minute.

''Can I go with you guys?'' he asked and both Lottie and Louis nodded.

''Thanks'' Liam said.


''So...where were you this morning, guys?'' Zayn asked and Niall and Harry looked at each other and Harry cleared his throat while Niall pretended that he hadn't heard the question so Zayn asked again, louder this time. They obviously couldn't tell him that Harry has disappeared and that Niall and Liam had spent their morning searching for him.

''It was a basic morning. I ate out and Harry went to the library.'' Niall answered as calm as he could. Zayn looked at them with a suspicious look and just said a simple 'Ok'. Harry tightened his grip at the steering wheel until his knuckles were white.

''So music?'' Niall said and Harry nodded. Zayn pressed the radio button and 'One For The Road by Arctic Monkeys' started playing.

''I love this song.'' Niall said and started dancing making the whole car moving and Harry looked at him with a mad look through the car mirror, which caused Niall to stop. Niall hated how Harry was today. He seemed normal but there were some small things, which indicated that nothing was fine and Niall felt terrible.

''Is everything alright, guys?'' Zayn said, as he could feel the tension between Niall and Harry. Harry nodded and Niall tried to distract him by asking how Elise was doing. Zayn smiled and started talking about how Elise was.

''She is still at her home for the holidays and she will return in two days. She says that she misses all of you and that you should call her or something.'' Zayn replied and Niall decided to call her because he was too bored.

''Hey E.'' Niall said, as soon as Elise answered.

''Niall, you little bitch. You forgot about me, didn't you?'' Elise said and Niall laughed.

''A lot happened, since you left.'' Niall said smiling and Zayn looked at him with a furious look and Niall couldn't understand why.

''Yeah? Like what?'' Elise asked. Niall covered the speaker with his hand and asked the boys if he should tell her about the whole Louis and his dad thing and Zayn said.

''I mean, she will find out anyways, so I don't see the reason why not.'' Zayn said shrugging while Harry stayed quiet, being focused on the road. Niall put his phone on his ear again and told everything to Elise, except from the Harry and Louis' parts.

''So, Louis went to Doncaster five days ago to see his family and returned yesterday. Today, his sister who is 16 years old visited him telling him that their dad was out of control and that Louis should do something about it. A couple hours later, his father came, looking for his sister and they had a huge fight and Louis decided to take custody of all of his siblings. We are actually heading to Doncaster right now to pick up the rest of the girls, so they can be safe.'' Niall said and Elise stayed silent.

''That's rough. Is there anything I can do to help Louis?'' Elise asked and Niall told her not to worry and asked her when she was coming back.

''Tomorrow actually. I decided that it would be better to come two days before classes start, so yeah.'' Elise said and Niall screamed, making Harry raise his eyebrows and Zayn frowning.

''Travel save, love. See ya soon.'' Niall said and hang up.

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