No one gives a fuck about him anymore

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''Harry?'' Zayn said confused.

''Zayn, you know that your 'Oh my fucking god Harry came' bullshit. It's not true and no one gives a fuck about him anymore.'' Louis said, who was sitting on the couch looking at his phone. When Louis was expecting Harry to finally show up, Zayn would mock him or pretend that he came, just to make Louis excited but it was just lies. The girls had gone to their grandparents' for the weekend so Louis and the boys were free to do whatever the hell they wanted.

Things were going great lately. Elise and Zayn were finally dating, so no more drama from there. They were all lovey dovey mood... and Louis found it disgusting but better than screams and shouting. Mark had left them alone and he was wondering if he was actually his father. I mean, he didn't look much like Mark but this didn't mean anything. Anyways, the lessons were pretty easy and he was meeting up with Eleanor twice a week for her to help him and she gave him her notes from previous lessons, so she was super helpful. She was also pretty funny, even though she could be a little bit of a bitch sometimes. The house was also so fucking awesome. Everyone loved it so much and Louis absolutely adored everything about it. It was his first home.

''Hi.'' Niall said, quietly as he entered the living room.

''Hi.'' Louis replied, still looking at his phone.

''Harry.'' Liam said, surprised, as he entered the living room with a bowl full of popcorns, looking at Harry. Louis looked at Liam confused, before turning his eyes and looking at Harry.

Harry motherfucking Styles was here.


After one whole month, he decided to make a fucking appearance as if he is the Queen Of England or something. Harry couldn't take his eyes off Louis. He looked so good. He wore a beanie and black tracksuits. He wore vans and a green sweater. Ugh he missed him. Louis looked at Harry for a split second before turning his look back at his phone.

''So, how are you?'' Liam asked, as he offered Harry a seat. This was so awkward even for Liam. I mean, what was he supposed to ask and Louis was definitely didn't help at all with his attitude.

''Fine. How are you?'' Harry asked politely.

''Good.'' Zayn and Liam replied at the same time, looking at Harry emotionless.

''Why did you come back?'' Louis asked suddenly, after a few minutes of silence, still looking at his phone.

''Because this is where my life is. My school and stuff.'' Harry explained, awkwardly.

''And you remembered your life after a whole month?'' Louis asked, turning off his phone and finally looking at Harry.

''I don't really think I have to explain anything to you.'' Harry said, feeling himself upset. He knew that Louis was mad at him and that he absolutely hated him but he was just attacking him at this point.

''Yeah, I guess you are right. You were always an asshole anyways.'' Louis said, before getting up and exiting the house and leaving everyone shocked.

''Excuse me.'' Harry said immediately, before getting up and following Louis. He opened the door and saw Louis walking fast, with his hands formed into fists.

''Louis.'' Harry yelled, but Louis just continued walking, pretending that he didn't hear Harry. Harry sighed before closing the door behind him and running towards Louis.


''What the fuck is going on?'' Zayn said and Liam nodded, looking at Niall.

''Harry came back.'' Niall said, shrugging.

''We can see that. When? And why didn't you fucking tell us Niall?" Zayn said, looking pissed. Niall should have warned them or something, so Louis wouldn't react like that.

''Last night. He told me not to tell you guys.'' Niall said and Liam looked at him serious.

''You should have. Look what happened.'' Liam said and Zayn immediately nodded.

''Well, it's not my fucking problem, is it? I am not responsible for Louis' reactions and he is not a fucking baby that we should take care of and protect him from everything that may upset him.'' Niall said, sick of the boys, pretending like Louis was a baby. They always made sure that Louis had everything and that no one would upset him emotionally. They would just drop everything, to come and take care of him. Sometimes, Niall could sense Louis getting annoyed at them. They would just act like his parents and he hated it. Harry was also their friend. Why did they think that Louis needed more care than Harry?


''Louis'' Harry yelled once again, rushing towards Louis, who was still walking and he wore his jacket because it was chilly outside.

''What the fuck do you want from me?'' Louis said, as he suddenly turned his body and his face was so close that their noses could almost touch.

''I want you to tell me why the fuck you got so upset. The rest of the boys were fine.'' Harry said and Louis let out a dry laugh.

''I am not one of them then.'' Louis said and started walking again.

''I know'' Harry thought.

''Yeah, but you didn't even let me explain why I-'' Harry started and Louis cut him off, as he turned his face once again.

''You had plenty of fucking time to do. You were gone for a month. Do you know how much shit happened during this time? Zayn and Elise got together, Zayn's birthday, first day of school. Where were you? Nowhere. You missed all those things because you chose to be fucking selfish and thought that we were guaranteed for you. Maybe the other ones are but I am fucking not. So I don't want to sit here and hear a lame excuse because it is lame. I am sure of it. The point is that you could have get in contact with any of us and you didn't'' Louis said and Harry went silent, looking at his feet.

He knew that Louis was mad and he understood it, he really did but he just hoped that he could just let him explain. He didn't know what he was going to tell him but he could just make up something or he could say that he was visiting his family. He just wanted things to go back to normal. He thought that it would be a good idea to leave and forget but one thing that he learned the whole month he was missing it was that he needed Louis and being away from him wasn't a good option. He preferred seeing himself and withering every day with every look that Louis threw at him, with every smile he flashed at him but at least he could be there with him, for him.

He sees it now. Leaving was a mistake but it was too late.

And he could see it now.

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