He is an asshole

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''Where is Harry?'' Liam asked happily, as him and Zayn entered Niall's apartment.

Niall coughed a little to clear his throat, not knowing what to say about Harry. Harry had left. Again. Yes, Harry left, whether they liked it or not. There was only one question now. Should Niall tell them that him and Harry were talking and they will continue talking? He probably shouldn't because then they would get sad or mad that Harry chose to talk to Niall and not to them.

''Hmm?'' Niall said, snapping out of his thoughts.

''He asked where Harry is.'' Zayn said, taking his scarf off and hanging it.

''Isn't it too hot for scarfs?'' Niall wondered, trying to avoid the question but also curious because yeah, it was mid March and they were closer to April. Zayn should probably wear T-Shirts and not scarfs. Zayn shrugged.

''I just wear it. Makes me more of an artist.'' Zayn replied and Liam came out of Harry's room, where he had already gone to search for him. This morning, Liam woke up with a weird feeling, like something was about to happen but he couldn't quite place it and everything was going really well lately, except from the fact Louis and Harry broke up but it was fine. There weren't any hard feelings between them and something told Liam that it definitely wasn't meant to end like this.

They just needed time because they were too young. Imagine, meeting that person at 18, that person that will always be there. It didn't matter in what way. Louis was always going to stay in Harry's mind and heart, not in a 'never moving on' way but more in a 'we really fell for each other even for a second' way, with that sweet memory, when the bitter part would have faded after the years and the only part remaining would be the small moments full of happiness and love they experienced together.

''Where is Harry?'' Liam asked again, confused that Harry's stuff where there but Harry himself. Usually, he didn't hang out with other people except them and today was Sunday. Where could he possibly had gone?

''He left, didn't he?'' Zayn said, observing the books, turning his head to look at Niall with the corner of his eye. Liam let out a small laugh at how stupid that sounded. Harry was there for less than 2 months and he couldn't have possibly left again. Who would do that? Niall stayed quiet and Liam raised and eyebrow, when Zayn just scoffed and returned on the books, knowing that he was right.

''Un-fucking-believable.'' Liam mumbled under his breath, stunned that Harry actually had the nerve to leave again. He understood the first time but again? What did they mean for Harry? Just moving parts in his heart and mind, where when he missed them came back and then left again? Unbelievable, just fucking unbelievable.

''Liam... he just wanted to take some time off this and just find out new stuff about him...'' Niall said and Liam handed Zayn his scarf, who looked at him confused but grabbed it anyways.

''Stop excusing him, you always do that. If he wants to get his shit together he could have grown a pair of balls and come tell us himself. Come, Zayn.'' Liam said and Zayn looked at Liam confused and so did Niall. (A/N most unreal Liam thing)

''Where the hell are you going now?'' Niall asked and Liam open the door, waiting for Zayn to exit.

''To support and talk to my friend.'' Liam said and shot Niall one last furious look, before slamming the door after he left.


''Louis. Open the door.'' Zayn said and knocked on the door loudly because he didn't respond all those times they called him or knocked on his door over and over again.

''Hey guys.'' Louis said behind them and they turned their heads, looking at Louis, who had just returned from outside and was holding his keys on his right hand, ready to open the front door.

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