Sassiness, blue eyes and cuddles 24/7

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''Good luck.'' Louis said, smiling.

''Thank you.'' Harry replied, pecking his lips and entered the building.

Harry entered the classroom he was told, where he would give his exams and smiled a little at the professor, before taking a sit. He looked around and he could only spot some of the kids, who were bad students from the start or not really talkative, thus why they didn't pass the class and they had to retake the exams. He felt pretty uncomfortable, as he didn't remember anyone and he would just have to stare at them or focus his eyes on his desk. He took his pen out of his pocket and he started writing random stuff on the wooden desk, as he was waiting for the exams to start. He would officially starting to move in with Louis today and he was pretty excited. I mean, who wouldn't? It was Louis for god's sake. Clear, icy, blue eyes and soft, brown hair. Sassiness, jokes and cuddles 24/7. Who wouldn't want to have that all the time? And of course, now Harry had learned his lesson...lessons and he knew what he shouldn't say to him and how he must act because let's be honest, the way Harry acts sometimes is not only selfish but it also, hurts Louis and this is what Harry hated, absolutely despised, hurting Louis and seeing Louis hurt and he had sworn that he would never ever do that again. Ever ever ever ever. He'd rather die than see that hurt reflecting on his eyes. He knows that he had said this a lot and it was getting tiring but Louis right now is his everything, hopefully, he will always be. Louis gave him everything that he wanted for so long and he hated that he didn't treat him, as good as he deserved to be treated. Harry snapped out of his thoughts, when he realized what he was writing on the desk and heard a knock on the door.

''Louis'' ''Lou'' and similar stuff like these were all over the wooden desk and Harry sighed before he closed his eyes shut, trying to focus on his exams and remember everything him and Louis were struggling to learn and he wiped the ink on the desk with his hand, messing both the desk and his hand.

''Great.'' he mumbled to himself and smiled politely at the woman, who started handing them the paper and Harry threw a quick look at all of the questions, before nodding to himself every time he knew the answer. Always had that habit, people made fun of him for it but he couldn't shake it off.


Louis sat on the stairs in front of the building, where Harry was in and looked around at the huge garden with the soft, green lawn, where Louis always died to lay on, reading and the big, solid trees with their green and yellow leaves, that had already started falling on the soil, like a rug.

There were a few students, there, talking, eating, having pic nicks and fun. He missed those days, yet he was excited for the ones that were coming. With friends, family and Harry. Everything was in place, except from the 'dad matter', that still annoyed Louis so much. You have two choices.

a) you ignore it, like it never existed.

b) you go for it, you just randomly knock on his door, saying that yes, you are his son.

Harry thinks that William deserves a chance. Louis doesn't even know the man, of course, he deserves a chance, yeah, yeah he does. But he had to think quick and follow his instinct this time. Whatever he wanted. No overthinking or lists with pros and cons.

Suddenly, he saw a blonde woman, walking in a hurry. Elise. Louis' eyes widened and he got up, running towards her.

''Elise.'' Louis yelled and she turned to look at him, before rolling her eyes and she started walking again.

''Come on.'' Louis said, sighing and grabbed her wrist, forcing her to turn.

''What?" she asked.

''Me and Harry are really sorry.''

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