Cuddle me, bitch

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''Gosh I haven't been here since...'' Louis trailed off, trying to remember the last time he was at Harry's house.

''I know, I haven't been here for over six months.'' Harry said, laughing quietly and he put the keys on the small wooden table, right next to the entrance and placed his hand gently on Louis' lower back, initiating for him to walk further into the house, as Louis was just standing there frozen.

Let's go back...uhm... six and a half months back, shall we?

I'm sure we all remember that iconic moment, when Louis was screaming and crying on the green lawn, just outside Harry's house because he had found out he had left. We don't? Well, it's on chapter 66.

So, yeah, Louis stole Niall's phone, dialed Harry's number and screamed at him and finished with the phrase 'Goodbye, Harold.' and that was the last time he talked to Harry, before just jumping on his arms, kissing him, right outside fucking court, five months later. Yeah... I'm also pretty sure, we all remember the phrase 'I already gave you one chance, I'm done doing that' blah, blah, blah. I bet you said you were going to study one hour ago but you are here, reading this shit. Honestly, why do you keep reading this trash? (A/N REALLY, WHY?)

Louis promised Mark that he wouldn't fall in love or have friends but oh...well... obviously he is not with Harry right now...obviously. (A/N One Direction also said they would reunite in 18 months but that's a story for another time) Yeah, Louis hadn't come here since then.

''I remember one day before your birthday, we were here and we were cooking in the kitchen and you still couldn't cut. It's been so long and you still can't use a knife. Wow.'' Harry noticed and sat on the couch.

''You can't have everything.'' Louis said and sat next to him.

''Disagree. I have everything.'' Harry said, letting his head drop to the side and looked at Louis, who smiled a little but of course, his damn phone interrupted them again.

''I'm gonna break this shit next time.'' he mumbled.

''Who?'' he asked, letting out a sigh full of frustration.

''Hi, it's Liam-'' He started out but Louis cut him off.

''I know who you are. What do you want?" he asked.

''I was wondering, if you and Harry are coming to lunch with us.''

''Yes, we are. Bye.'' Louis said and hang up.

''Liam is so annoying. He thinks I have amnesia or something because he calls every single hour, trying to remind me my appointments. If I wanted a secretary I would hire one.'' Louis said and hugged Harry, who laughed a little.

''What's between with you and Liam?'' he asked and Louis shrugged.

''He is just a pain in the ass but I love him.'' he replied and Harry laughed.

''I like him.''

''You used to like tall, blondes with fake boobs. You don't count.'' Louis said and Harry laughed even harder.

''Yeah, but I like you, so that makes me a little tasteful.'' he replied and Louis rolled his eyes.

''Yup but it doesn't apply to Liam.'' he replied, cleverly and Harry pinched Louis' nose.

''You are so cute, when you talk about how much you hate Liam. You look like an angry puppy.'' Harry said and squeezed his cheeks, who slapped them away.

''Cutie.'' Harry said again, dragging the 'e'.


''Of course, you are late. I called you and you said-'' Liam started out but Louis cut him off.

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