You're flirting

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''I am gonna call my father.'' Louis said and got up and went to his bedroom.

''Hey father. Happy New Year.'' Louis said, sighing.

''Happy New Year, son.'' his father said. An awkward silence fell between them.

''So... Can I talk to the girls?'' Louis asked, hopefully.

''Yes, Louis. Let me tell them and they will call as soon as they can.'' his father said and hang up.

Louis returned to the living room and sat next to Harry.

''How is your family?'' he asked.

''They are fine. I mean, I only talked to my dad and he said that my sister will call in a few minutes.'' Louis said and asked ''How is yours? You never talk about them.''

''They are fine, I guess. We are not really close after my mother died.'' Harry said, shrugging. Louis has never heard that his mum died and he didn't know what to say.

''I am so sorry Harry.'' Louis said and looked at Harry.

''See? This is why I don't want to talk about this. People always look at you with pity and have this sad look.'' Harry said and scoffed.

''I am sorry, I didn't mean to-'' Louis started but Harry cut him off.

''It's fine.'' Harry said, smiling and Louis smiled back.

''Hey guys...?'' Zayn said. They were all watching Harry and Louis talking and smiling and had a confused look, except from Niall, who was looking at them with a smirk.

''What?'' Harry asked.

''You've been talking-''

''Flirting'' Niall interrupted.

''-flirting for like 5 minutes and I don't even know if you guys noticed we were here.'' Liam said.

''We were not flirting. It just happened to exchange a couple of sentences.'' Louis said and his phone rang.

''Saved by the phone'' Niall said and Louis rolled his eyes before going to his room.

''Hello?'' he asked.

''Hi Louis!'' his four sister said together and Louis smiled.

''Hi girls. Happy New Year.'' Louis said and they all replied Happy New Year.

''Hey girls... Can I talk for a second to Louis? Go play.'' he heard Lottie saying and all the girls said a quick 'bye' and heard their footsteps, as they run to their rooms.

''Hey Louis...'' he heard Lottie saying.

''Is everything okay?'' Louis asked, worried.

''No. Father has been so strict. He makes the girls study all day, he doesn't let them play. This is the first time I got to use my phone from the first time today after you left. You need to come back or talk to him.'' Lottie said and Louis felt so bad for his sisters and he knew that he would go home for the rest of the holidays.

''I am coming tomorrow Lottie. Inform dad and the others.''

''Thank you Louis. Bye, I love you.'' she said.

''I love you too.'' Louis said and hang up. He opened his suitcase and started filling it with clothes. Tomorrow he should live early and return to Doncaster, where he would confront his father.

''Is everything alright?'' he heard Harry asking, as he entered the room.

''Where are you going?'' he continued.

'' Doncaster. My sister called and said that father has been treating them bad and I am going to clear everything up.'' Louis said and started looking around for something and then he just went to the living room.

''Hey guys...Does anyone have like a box with holes or something similar?'' Louis asked and run his hand through his hair. Everyone shook their heads and Louis let out a sigh.

''Why do you want a box, Louis?'' Harry whispered.

''Because of the rose. I have to put it somewhere'' Louis said.

''I am taking care of the rose.'' Harry simply said.

''No...I mean this is my responsibility. Not that it is one. I mean look at the room, it's brighter with the rose and I am happy to take care of it.'' Louis tried to explain.

''I want to spend time with the rose. Please give it to me?'' Harry said and opened his hands to take it.(A/N WHAT WAS I THINKING WHEN I WROTE THESE CHAPTERS)

''Fine.'' Louis said and gave it to him. Louis grabbed his suitcase and took a couple books for the bookcase. He went to the living room where he saw the boys looking at him weirdly.

''You know Louis, if you broke up with Harry, you don't have to move. You are staying with me.'' Zayn said and Louis laughed.

''I am going to Doncaster to see my family.'' Louis said.

''Oh...Come back fast Tommo. We will miss you.'' Niall said and hugged him.

''I am gonna miss you too, guys. Well, not you Liam but I am trying to be polite.'' Louis said and gave him a toothy smile.

''I know you love me.'' Liam said and hugged him.

''Text me every day...all day.'' Zayn said and hugged him.

''Come home soon...'' Harry whispered in Louis' ear and Louis felt himself melt in Harry's arms.

''I will.'' Louis said and opened the front door.

''Bye little shits.'' Louis said before closing the door.


''Louis!'' his sisters screamed and rushed to hug him.

''Hi girls'' Louis said hugging them back.

''Louis.'' Mark said and hugged him. Awkward.

''Hi father...'' Louis said.

''Girls, go study.'' Mark said and the girls run upstairs.

''Why are you here, Louis?'' his dad asked and lead him to his office.

''I just wanted to check up on you and the girls. Father... could you please not go really hard on them? I am gonna make sure myself that they will study, properly, if I have to.'' Louis said. He hated that his father treated him when he was younger. He never went out, never had friends or did things that he enjoyed. He didn't want Lottie to act like he did the first day of college, the way he talked to Zayn or treated the others and he regretted it.

''Ok Louis, if it is so important to you then I will go easier on them. Now that you are eighteen, you can help me with the girls.'' father said and got up.

''Shall we?'' he asked and Louis replied with a 'yes' before heading to the dining room.

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