It was too late

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''So what's going on with you?" Harry said, as he took a sip of his tea. Liam looked at him and placed his coffee down.

''What's going on with you is the real question here.'' Liam replied and Harry rolled his eyes.

''I'm fine. I am asking you how you are.'' Harry said and Liam raised an eyebrow.

''Nothing much. Same old shit but with an old- new friend.'' Liam replied and Harry let out a small laugh.

''I know you like Louis.'' Liam said after some seconds and Harry almost spitted the tea and started coughing.

''No, I don't... ew.'' Harry said, scoffing. Who told him for fuck's sake?

''Okay because Louis likes you.'' Liam said and Harry's eyes widened, as Liam took a sip of his coffee.

''He does?'' Harry asked hopefully but when he realized his tone he cleaned his throat and looked serious at Liam.

''No.'' Liam simply replied and continued ''but you do.''

''Maybe I do. What does it change?'' Harry said, sighing.

''Everything.'' Liam replied and he took a sip of his coffee.


Almost two weeks have passed and all the boys had accepted Harry's apology, except from Louis, who completely ignored him. When Harry headed to class, he just saw Louis hanging out with a bitch named Eleanor. He met up with the boys and sometimes Eleanor would come too. It was so fucking annoying. I mean, was she a friend of Louis? His girlfriend?

Currently Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall were hanging out at his and Niall's apartment and they were talking about random stuff.

''How is Elise doing?'' Liam asked Zayn

''Great. Things are going so well lately.'' Zayn said smiling. He was just so happy about him and Elise. Some weeks ago, Zayn run in the rain, just to stop Elise from going on her date. He had to talk to her for so long in the rain just to tell her that he loved her and that he wouldn't screw everything up. Now, three weeks after everything was great and Zayn was happier than ever.

''So...where is Louis?'' Harry asked, trying to pretend like he didn't really care, where Louis was.

''He is with Eleanor. He said that he is going to ask her out or something.'' Zayn said, shrugging. Louis had told him that he kinda liked Eleanor and that he felt like he should date. He was old enough and he had never done that before so it is finally time.

No. This could not happen no. Harry didn't want Louis to date Eleanor or anyone else. Maybe Harry wasn't the right one but Louis worth so much better than basic Eleanor. He should stop him or do something to prevent this from happening.

''I have to go.'' Harry said and all the boys looked at him confused.

''It's raining outside. Where the hell are you going?'' Liam asked and Zayn nodded. Niall looked at Harry and nodded him, meaning that he should go.

''Go Harry. It's never to late.'' Niall said and Harry nodded, before putting on his jacket and leaving Zayn and Liam looking at Niall, not understanding what was going on.

Harry run to the nearest coffee shop but there was no sign of Louis. Harry was completely wet but he kept looking for Louis anywhere he could. And then it hit him. One place that he hadn't looked and judging by Louis' actions and his poetry self he would definitely take Eleanor there to ask her that big, for Louis decision.

Harry run, as his life depended on reaching there. And maybe it even was. He had to talk to Louis right now. He hated himself for not doing it earlier. He was just so... so stupid. Niall was right. He was a coward. Maybe there was a fourth option. The option of Harry telling Louis and them being together. Harry wouldn't screw anything up and Louis wouldn't either. Everything was so great before Harry decided to leave and ruin everything. If he had turned time two months ago and had told Louis, when he should have, maybe in a perfect universe Louis would have said that he liked him too. Maybe that perfect universe even existed two months.

Harry run until he couldn't anymore and his legs were going to betray him at any second but he was just some meters away. He smiled at the thought of this shit happening. After so long, after all that pain, it could fucking happen. At least, maybe. Even if it didn't and Louis rejected him Harry had nothing to lose. Everything was already shit with Louis and by doing this, by telling Louis how he felt, at least, he wouldn't have to think 'What if...' and he could get over him, if he knew that him and Louis wasn't going to happen.

He walked, as fast as he could and finally reached the field. That field. The first time he came with the boys and they met Liam. He hated Louis at that time. If someone told him that in six months, he would do this just to tell Louis that he was in love with him, he would have thought that person was mental.

He suddenly stopped walking and felt his heart breaking at the sight of Louis there.

With her.

Louis was standing there under an umbrella with Eleanor and they were hugging. Harry felt like he couldn't breathe and his eyes watering up. It was too late. He was too fucking late. He couldn't stand watching them, so he turned and started running. He was tired, he really was but he just wanted to leave. He wanted to disappear but he couldn't. Not this time, he really couldn't. If he did then he didn't even know if he would come back. After some meters, he sat down, on the side of the road and took off his shoes and his jacket. He felt like they were stopping him from something. Like they were too heavy for him to walk or to carry. He started crying and sobbing. How did this happen? Why did he leave? Maybe if he hadn't fucking left, Eleanor wouldn't be in their lives and Louis wouldn't have to fucking like her. Why did he like her and not him? What does she have that he didn't? Harry was sobbing hard, that he didn't notice that it had stopped raining. The sun had come out and there was a big rainbow at the sky.


Harry felt like he wanted to die. Nothing was the same, even if he wanted to pretend that it was. The boys were not so comfortable around him, Louis was just a whole other thing and at this point nothing was stable in his life. This is how Louis must have felt around the time that Harry left. All the panic attacks and oh... what if he had another one? What if was alone when it happened? What if...?

Harry couldn't bare the thought of thinking... anything. He just wanted not to think, to switch his thinking button off. He got up and started walking. He left his jacket and shoes there and just started walking, his feet stepping on the wet road, feeling them getting wet. He didn't care about the students, looking at him weirdly, he just wanted to go home and sleep. He searched for the keys in his pocket and sighed in relief, when he felt his hands touching the cold metal. He opened the door carefully and peaked inside, in case the boys were still here, but they weren't.

''Thank God.'' Harry thought and went to his room. He changed immediately and went under that warm covers, hoping that he didn't get sick again. He opened his notebook and read some of the last things he had written.

''I miss him.''

''I miss them.''

''How is he?''

''Stop calling''

He found his pen and wrote.

''It was too late.''



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