It was always Harry

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As Louis was walking, he was thinking what he was supposed to say to Harry and Niall. It's not like they have been talking or seeing each other the past months and Louis was still shocked by what Harry had said in court about him.

Yup, Harry was still the person that Louis was in love with.

No lies.

No, ''Ew. Harry is a bastard ew he sucks'' or ''Am I still in love with Harry? Pf.. no.''

Harry just talked him up in fucking court, when he hadn't seen him in months and the last thing he told him was that he wouldn't forgive him for everything he did.

''Harry?'' Louis called out without even realizing it. Harry turned around and looked at Louis, who was just standing then.

''Louis?'' Harry whispered and Louis run and basically jumped on Harry's arms, his hands grabbing Harry's suit so hard, that Harry felt Louis' fingers digging his back. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and pulled him so close to him, as close as he could. Louis put his head on Harry's shoulder and inhaled Harry's cologne.

Same cologne.

Louis' heart was pounding so much that it sounded like a drum and for some reason he felt his eyes burning, barely containing his tears from running down his cheeks.

''Hi'' Harry whispered and supported his head on Louis' shoulder, not pulling away, even though Niall just stood there awkwardly.

''Harold.'' Louis said and sniffed a little, smiling.

''I am sorry for everything.'' Harry whispered, still not pulling away.

''I think I am gonna go. See you, guys.'' Niall said and left.

''Don't be. Everything is fine or it will be.'' Louis said and hugged him tighter, if it was possible.

In any other occasion, place and time, Louis would have been pissed at him and make Harry's life a living hell but he couldn't do that now that Harry was in front of him at the most important day of his life. Yet.

''No, nothing is fine. I messed up. I can't believe that I treated you and the others so shitty. I am so sorry and I will do anything to make it up to you or at least forgive me-'' Harry started out but Louis pulled away and grabbed his jacket, pulling him close again and connecting their lips.


Louis cheated again?

With the same person?


But oh well, Louis didn't even think of it because he didn't care anymore. He had Harry in front of him. Harry. He was like a famous singer and Louis was a fan of him. He just couldn't contain himself. And his lips were the same but better at the same time. It was Harry, man. If it was anyone else Louis would have acted differently but it was Harry. The person Louis wanted the most in the world was literally in front of him, after so long, so damn long.

Why couldn't he help himself? I am not gonna lie, as the author of this shitty book, I am annoyed at how Louis acts too. (A/N true story)

''No, no, no, no.'' Harry mumbled and pulled away.

''What?'' Louis asked, his eyes searching Harry's ones, that currently, were focused on the ground.

''We can't do this again.'' Harry said and took a few steps back.

''Why?'' Louis asked and Harry bit the inside of his cheek.

''Because you have a girlfriend.'' Harry said and kicked his feet on the floor, putting his hands in his pockets, looking awkwardly at Louis, who bit his bottom lip, looking at the sky, realizing what he was doing just now.

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