Finding a job

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''Could I please have a room?'' Harry asked the receptionist, who checked her computer and smiled at Harry.

''We have only one left but it's a suite.'' she said and Harry nodded.

''I'll take it.'' Harry said and opened his wallet, handing her his credit card.

''For how long will you be staying?'' she asked and Harry took a second. How long was he going to stay there?

''A week.'' he replied and the receptionist nodded, writing it on her computer.

Niall called him a few minutes ago to apologize. He said that Louis literally hit him, to get the phone and the damage was already done by the time Niall could get his phone. Louis reacted so badly. Harry did expect a reaction, that was not going to be good but not like that. They yelled at each other, for God's sake.

''Here's your key, sir.'' the receptionist repeated louder and Harry snap out of his thoughts.

''Room 28.'' the receptionist said and Harry nodded before mumbling a 'Thank you'.

He found his room and entered it. It was not that big but it was a hotel room in a small town, so it was better than Harry expected. It had a bed, obviously, a coffee table, a TV, one small kitchen and a bathroom. It had laced curtains, and floral sheets.

He sat on the bed and thought to himself 'What now?'

Really, what do we do now?

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

Harry groaned, frustrated. How stupid was he? He would have to stay alone this whole time? Niall should have fucking come. Jesus, he wanted to leave and go home. It wasn't too late to go to Louis and beg him to take him back.

''STOP'' Harry yelled at himself and got up.

Let's go for a walk, I guess.

Salcombre was a small town but beautiful...too beautiful. It had beautiful beaches, that would be wonderful to swim to in a few months because it was still too damn cold. Harry tightened his coat around his body. He should have worn something warmer. It also had great shops. Small cafes, supermarkets, bakeries and so many bookstores. Bookstores are something, where Harry likes to go to, so he decided to check it out. He entered it and a bell rang, as he opened the door, like they were in a movie. He wandered around, not knowing what he should actually look for and there he saw one of the greatest books he has ever read and he approached it.

''The picture of Dorian Gray.'' Such a great book.

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a story about a youth whose beauty is unaffected by age or corruption since his soul is placed in his portrait... The portrait comes to represent the changing state of Dorian's soul, while the real, human Dorian is emptied out - though the outer beauty remains the same.

'Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope'. Harry whispered to himself and examined it the book carefully.

It looked old, around 1950 edition and it was in a good condition. He decided to buy it. Now, he had left everything in Louis' good hands and not Niall's, he should probably start one new collection.

''The little prince.''

Louis loved this book. Harry even gave him a tattoo of it.

It will be as if, in place of the stars, I had given you a great number of little bells that knew how to laugh Harry whispered again and a woman, touched his shoulder, making him turn around scared.

The woman was old, around her seventies but she looked younger. She had that familiar warm smile, like a grandma or a mother has.

''You know a lot about books, don't you?'' the woman asked and Harry nodded.

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