I'm excited for the future

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''Zayn.'' Louis exclaimed, surprised and got off Harry's back, hugging him tightly patting his back.

''Louis.'' Zayn said, returning the hug.

''I didn't know you were homeless.'' he continued and Louis laughed a little.

''Harry just grabbed me from bed and didn't even let me put on my shoes.'' he explained and Zayn eyed Harry, before smiling and hugging him too.

''We are all reunited.'' Liam said and Niall groaned.

''Someone is not happy...'' Louis noticed and ruffled Niall's blonde hair, who scoffed, slapping his hands away.

''You two.'' Niall simply said, pointing a finger at them.

''We did what?'' Harry asked.

''You are leaving to live your romance and you are letting us go. Now, it's only me, Liam and Zayn. We are not a gang anymore.'' Niall whined and Louis rolled his eyes.

''Stop overreacting. You are such a drama queen. Besides, you always spend time at our place.'' Louis said and Niall pouted.

''It's not the same thing.''

''Harry hasn't slept here in days.'' Louis replied.

''Whatever. You are dumping us.'' Niall insisted.

''Hey, Lou. Let's go give you something to wear.'' Harry said and offered his hand, that Louis gladly accepted, smiling, at what Zayn felt like throwing up.

''I forgot how you guys were.'' he said, putting his hand in front of his mouth, pretending to stop from vomiting.

''You were gone for just ten days. Plus, Liam told us you found a Greek girl.'' Louis said, winking at him and Zayn just rolled his eyes.

''Oh please, she was boring as fuck and I didn't understand shit of what she was saying.'' Zayn said.

''Cruel.'' Louis said and Harry dragged him to his room, closing the door behind them.

''I haven't been here since...'' Louis trailed off, trying to remember when he was the last time, he was in Harry's room.

Harry smirked at him, before pushing him a little and he landed on the bed, while he got on top of him.

''I thought you were going to give me clothes?'' Louis said, smiling smugly and Harry smiled too, connecting their lips.

''Niall won't be happy.'' Louis whispered, causing Harry to laugh a little but he ignored what he was saying, starting to kiss his neck.

''Harry.'' Louis whined.

''Mhm.'' Harry said and Louis put his hands in fists, closing his eyes, trying to contain himself.

''The boys are here.'' he said and Harry groaned, before getting up.

''You are ruining the fun.'' he complained, opening his closet, searching for appropriate clothes.

''Oh My. Your weird clothes. They were here? This whole time? Wear them.'' Louis said and grabbed some shirts with floral patterns and glittery details, with bows, with golden buttons and lacey ends.

''I love this coat.'' Louis said, gasping and grabbing the black, glittery coat.

''I remember when I wore that.''

''I do too. Now wear it.'' Louis ordered Harry, who shook his head.

''It's hot outside but if you like it so much, you should wear it.'' Harry said.

''It won't fit me. It fits you and only you. I can't explain it. When I see something like this, I think of you. You can pull it off, I can't. Even when I made fun of what you were wearing, I was lying a little.'' Louis said and Harry smiled a little.

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