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''Don't make me go. I am begging you. Please. I will cook for you every day for the rest of our lives, please Niall. Don't'' Harry begged Niall on his knees, while Niall was making coffee.

''Get up. We are going. You promised Liam.'' Niall said and Harry groaned, before getting up.

''But I don't want to see him.'' Harry whispered, his voice breaking a little at the end.

''One more time and then you can sit in your room, not even attending classes, just like you did for the past 3 days. Honestly, how haven't you fail yet?'' Niall asked and Harry shrugged.

''Got notes, did papers. I didn't actually have to attend the classes to not fail. It's university, I can do whatever I want.'' Harry said and Niall scoffed.

''I don't want to go.'' Harry screamed and Niall threw a spoon at him.

''Go. Get. Dressed.'' Niall growled slowly and Harry sighed before going to his room to get prepared for going at Liam's family house and meeting his family.


''Is he coming?'' Louis asked almost sounding as a whisper Liam, who shrugged, not exactly knowing if Harry was in fact coming along or not.

''I think he is but I am not sure. Just stay strong, okay?'' Zayn said and put his hand on Louis' shoulder, who nodded a little, before going to check up on the girls and see if they were ready.

''What the fuck Zayn?'' Liam said, as soon as Louis disappeared out of their sight.

''What?'' Zayn asked and Liam looked at him pissed.

''This whole time you have been blaming Harry for everything and you are clearly on Louis' side, when he said he wanted to break up with him." Liam said and Zayn just rolled his eyes.

''Yeah, but Harry screwed up everything and I bet he is going to leave again.'' Zayn said and Liam was surprised at how Zayn talked about Harry.

''Zayn... he is your friend too. You can't talk that way about him.'' Liam said, trying to remind Zayn that Harry was also one of his closest friends and that he didn't mean what he was saying because Zayn was clearly upset right now.

''Was. Me and Harry never really talked. He left and I was the one, not knowing why. You all did but none of you told me, as if I didn't care about him. He came back and he talked to you, Niall, for fuck sake he fucked Louis and said he was his boyfriend but he never talked to me, as if we weren't friends not that long ago. Louis, though, he is always there for me, so I will be there for him too. Harry can screw himself.'' Zayn said and patted Liam's shoulder, before going near Elise, who was looking at Louis' library.

Zayn always felt like him and Harry just happened to be friends with Niall, Liam and Louis and this was the only thing that connected them. Not actually them being friends and Zayn didn't know how to feel about it because it was Harry's fault. He always made plans with the other boys, like he went golfing with Niall, for coffee with Liam but Zayn was never included in any of this, when it came to being friends and having a bond with Harry.

Louis was way better than Harry when it came to who is actually a better friend and Zayn appreciated it so much.


''Okay, what are you writing? I have to ask. What the hell have you been writing for the past 3 days?'' Niall exclaimed, exhausted by the silence and the only thing that was heard was Harry's typing something on his computer.

''Um... nothing. A paper for my class.'' Harry replied, too focused on whatever he was writing, to think of something to reply.

''God, talk about something. I am bored.'' Niall whined, as he drove, with Harry sitting in the back seat.

''I don't know what do you want me to tell you?'' Harry asked and Niall started thinking something interesting to talk about.

''Mhm... I found it. Secret talents. What's yours?'' Niall asked and Harry smiled at how weird this question was but at the end of the day, Niall was one if the weirdest people Harry has ever met.

''I draw well... or so I think.'' Harry said and Niall rolled his eyes.

''I know that. Something else?'' Niall asked and Harry started thinking again.

''I act well, as you know and I can quite sing.'' Harry said and Niall smiled because now they had something interesting to say.

''Sing!'' Niall ordered and Harry shook his head before focusing on his laptop, once again typing something.

Ugh... it was going a long drive.


A/N TO ANYONE WONDERING WHY THIS WAS SO SMALL ITS BECAUSE IT WAS THE DAY THAT YOLANDA ACCUSED ZAYN OF 'HITTING' HER AND IT WAS A CRAAAAAAZY DAY. I read every article did so much research read everything on twitter and it was an insane day in general and I couldn't focus so I decided to finish the already started chapter. I had written like a whole ass comment on my opinion on this but no one would read it anyways so to conclude, FUCK THE HADIDS. Thanks.

[If there is anywhere the name Gigi it's Elise. It used to be Gigi but I changed the name bc I aint writing a story for that bitch]

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