Are you jealous of a baby?

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''I didn't think you were a baby person.'' Harry said, looking at Louis, who was laying down and Theo was standing on his chest, holding his hands up.

''I didn't think you weren't one.''

''I was just taken aback.''

''I was surprised too but acting all grumpy and like a villain the whole day isn't helping, is it? Now tell me what's wrong and leave the I was surprised shit out of this.'' Louis said, turning his head to look at Harry, who was sitting opposite of him.

''I'm sorry. I just feel like...'' Harry trailed off when he realized that it was stupid and Louis looked at him, waiting for an answer.

''I'd rather you to tell me, before Theo goes to college.'' Louis said.

''I just feel like you have your whole attention on him.'' Harry admitted, biting his lower lip, looking down and Louis laughed.

''What?'' he said.

''Harry, he is a baby, all alone, around people he has never seen before and he doesn't understand anything going on around him and you are jealous of him?'' Louis said.

''Now, when you put it this way.'' Harry mumbled.

''It was always this way. What will happen when you will have kids? You will be jealous of them?'' Louis said and placed Theo down, before sitting up. He watched him, struggling to get up and helped him a little, carefully.

''I'm ridiculous, aren't I?'' Harry said and laughed a little.

''Yes, you are but that's what makes you special. Now, hug him.'' Louis ordered and Harry grabbed Theo, who was sick of trying to walk this far and decided to crawl.

''He is not that bad.'' Harry mumbled, making Theo sit on his lap.

''Told you.'' Louis said.

Harry played a little with the baby, when he realized that Louis had fallen asleep.

''You exhausted Louis, didn't you? Yes, you did.'' Harry said and smiled.


''Lou.'' Harry whispered and Louis fluttered his eyes open.

''What happened?'' he asked, rubbing his eyes.

''Theo and the girls have to go.'' he said and Louis got up.

''I didn't spend any time with the girls.'' Louis whined.

''They have to go to school tomorrow.''

''Hey.'' he said, hugging them tightly.

''I promise you next time, we'll do something really fun, I promise.'' Louis said with a smile.

''Oh it's fine. We had a great time, anyways.'' Fizzy said and Louis saw that their grandparents were here already.

''Hello, grandma, grandpa.'' Louis said, hugging them.

''Hi, Louis, Harry and oh a baby.'' his grandma said.

''Yeah, it's Niall's nephew but he had a thing and we are taking care of it until Niall returns.'' Louis said.

''Let's hope Niall finds it alive.'' his grandpa said, before laughing and turning to help the girls.

''That was mean.''

''Bye, darlings.'' his grandma said and they all left.

''Niall said he'll come in half an hour.'' Harry informed him.

''He is such a great kid.'' Louis said, sitting on the couch, taking the baby from Harry.

''But babies are exhausting.'' Louis continued.

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