Let her fall

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Fuck the sun.

Who cares about it?

Yeah, we would have been dead without it but still in Harry's opinion, sun was overrated.

It goes down after a few hours but on the other hand, stars were there the whole time, making them much better than the sun but they were also underrated.

In case you haven't noticed, Harry really likes stars.


''Harry. Put the bat down.'' Louis said, trying to take it from his hands but he wouldn't let go off it.

''What if it is a burglar?'' Harry whispered, from the top of the stairs and Louis was behind, peaking.

''They rang the bell.''

''That's what they want us to believe. Think that it is someone we know but then they just kill us.'' Harry said and Louis patted his back.

''Stop watching horror movies.'' he said, before going down the stairs.

''No, Louis. Come back. Ugh.'' Harry said, not having any choice but to follow him.

''Act normal, Harry. Please.'' Louis said, when he saw that Harry was hiding behind Louis' back.

''Yeah, sorry.'' Harry said, clearing his throat and standing next to him and Louis opened.


''Harry.'' Lottie said, crying, hugging him tightly and Harry wrapped his arms around her, looking at Louis, who took the bat out of Harry's hand, confused.

''What?'' Louis mouthed.

''I have no idea.'' Harry mouthed back, rubbing Lottie's back, who was crying even more now.

''Honey, what happened?'' Louis asked.

''He broke up with me.'' Lottie whined and started sobbing.

''Jason?'' Harry asked and she nodded, while Louis looked at them completely confused.

''I'll explain later. Go upstairs.'' he said and Louis pouted a little but he did, as Harry told him.


''She is in her old room.'' Harry said and Louis sighed.

''What happened, Harry?''

''She was dating a guy for the past six months and he turned out to be a douchebag and cheated.'' Harry said and he noticed that Louis' hands were forming fists and he placed his hand over them.

''Lou, calm down, please.'' he said, causing Louis to scoff.

''What kind of asshole would do that?'' Louis growled.

Harry did that and quite a few times, in fact (more than quite, if we're being honest).

''A lot.'' Harry mumbled.

''You know that's not what I meant.'' Louis said, grabbing Harry's hand, who shrugged.

''I was a jerk, made peace with that.'' Harry said, laying next to him.

''My jerk.'' Louis said, kissing him and Harry smiled a little.

''Wait, you knew that she had a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?''

''She didn't want you to know.''


''Because.'' Harry said, pointing at him, making him weird expressions.

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