Just peachy

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Today was December the 7th and Louis had no courage to do anything. He decided to spend the whole day on his bed but the boys had other plans. Zayn opened the door and told him that they would meet all the boys at breakfast to plan something fun for the day. None of the boys knew anything about today. Louis didn't want anyone to know about today, except his family members, because today one year ago, Louis got the worst news that any human being could possibly get.

His supporter, his shoulder to cry on, the woman who brought him in this life, died.

He remembers this day so clearly and he is afraid that he will never be able to forget it. And he wanted to forget it so bad...He was at the hospital with his dad, Lottie and Fizzy. Dad didn't want the twins to be there, as they were only 7 years old. Lottie was 15 and Fizzy 13 and they were all sitting at the waiting room. Louis remembers the night before as a blur. There was an ambulance, his mum holding his hand and handing him a letter, next thing he knows he is at the hospital with his dad. Louis hoped that she would make it. She had done it before... Then the doctor came and Louis didn't want him to come. He wanted the doctor to turn around or walk passed them. At that moment he knew. He saw the doctor's eyes and he told his sisters ''She is gone''. The girls looked at him and shook their heads, hugging each other. Louis that day returned home and he felt lost. He didn't have a mum. He lost his best friend. He remember sitting on his bed and looking at the letter. He didn't open it last time because in fron it said. ''Open it after my death'' . Louis was not ready for this, but he knew he had to. That day Louis decided to be whatever they wanted him to be, as long as it was for the best of the family. He opened and read the letter and then cried. Cried the whole day in his room. Didn't sleep, didn't eat and didn't feel anything.

Louis shook his head. Today he was going out with the lads. He wanted to forget this day. He took a shower and changed his clothes. They didn't have any classes today ,so it was all good.

''Are you ready Tommo?'' Zayn called out, who was already ready and waiting for Louis.

''Yeah'' Louis said and grabbed his coat, while opening the door.


Elise was there with them. She came to hang out with them a lot lately and Louis loved her. She was hilarious and really nice to all of them, except Zayn, with whom she didn't even talk. Louis was having a great time with the other boys, even though Niall wouldn't stop about Louis and Harry dating but other than that everything was fine. Well, to be honest, there was a small, tiny problem.

Harry Styles.

He would literally make Louis' life a living hell and Louis would do his. They hated each other so much but the other boys and Elise thought everything was fine between them. They would always laugh at each other's jokes, even if it was a fake laugh, or they would ask each other questions, pretending they cared about each other's lives but deep down they couldn't give a fuck about each other.

''Hi guys'' Louis said putting his hands in his pocket.

''Hey'' they all said in union.

''How are you Louis?'' Harry asked with a polite smile.

''I'm fine, how about you Harold? Oh and I see you have brought Mary along with us.'' Louis said before taking a seat next to him.

Mary was Harry's new girlfriend, even though they have been dating for less than 2 weeks and Harry had cheated on her a lot, like A LOT. She knew but she didn't care about because she was dating Harry Styles, the school's hottest boy. Louis literally scoffed. Harry was a fake bastard and he couldn't understand how only Louis was able to see Harry's true self. Harry would always have a charming smile on his face, he would wink, he would give people his hand, he would laugh at anyone's jokes. It was all an act. He was a liar and Louis hated it. Louis hated him.

''Just peachy'' Harry replied with a smile.

After they finished their breakfast, they decided to just go for a walk. At the entrance of the school stood Mr. Cowell, smoking a cigarette.

''Are teachers even allowed to smoke inside the school grounds?'' Louis wondered.

''Well, well, well'' Simon said, throwing his cigarette on the ground and then stepping on it.

''What?'' Louis asked rolling his eyes.

''Don't you roll your eyes at me'' Simon barked at Louis.

''Does Mr. Charles know that you are smoking at school ground?'' Louis replied with an innocent smile.

''Whatever'' Simon said and continued, ''Remember when you went to the woods and now I can choose your punishment?'' Simon said and smiled like the devil.


''Well kids the day has come. Styles-Tomlinson wash all the dishes in the dining room, Malik-Smith clean and put all the book in place at the library and Horan-Payne tidy the sports equipment, all of it'' Cowell said laughing with an evil tone.

Harry looked at Louis. He didn't want to be with him. He could not tolerate him for god knows how many hours. Harry wanted to ask so badly Cowell to change with Liam but then Simon would make fun of them or something. He hated that teacher. Harry saw that Louis was looking at Cowell with pure hate in his eyes and Harry realized that Louis hated Simon as much as he did.

''Why are you all staring at me? Hurry up kids I don't have a whole day'' Simon said.

Harry wanted to punch him in the face so hard...

''Let's get started people!'' Niall said and went inside, as the others followed him.

It's gonna be a long day.

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