I'm taking you to Paris

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''Are you okay, Lou? We can go back and just forget the whole thing and just go back. We can do whatever you want.'' Harry said and Louis sighed in the passenger seat.

''I'm asking a man, that I have never seen in my life to come in my wedding that it was supposed to happen in less than two hours and this man is my dad. What was I thinking?'' Louis mumbled and Harry gave him a reassuring smile.

''It's worth a try.''

''I guess.''

''We are outside. It is a shame to back down last minute, Lou.''

''I know...okay, I'm going.'' Louis said, smiling a little.

''Everything is going to be fine.'' Harry said, placing his hand on top of Louis' hand, squeezing it gently.

''Come with me.'' Louis pleaded.

''I don't know. This is between you and-''

''You are my family now, Harry. You said you'll always be there. Please. I need you or else I will probably throw up.'' Louis said and Harry nodded with his eyebrows furrowed.

''Relax. Okay, let's go. You've got this.'' Harry said.


''Should I just knock?'' Louis said, standing in front of the wooden door. It was just a small house in Bradford, similar to Harry's one, with a small garden and a car in front.

''Yes, honey. Take a deep breath and when you are ready just knock. I will be here with you, alright?'' Harry said and Louis nodded, inhaling, shutting his eyes, counting to ten, before knocking on the door.

''I love you.'' Harry whispered, smiling a little behind Louis, rubbing his back gently.

''Me too.'' Louis said, quickly, when the door opened and he felt like he wanted to cry or die.

''Louis.'' the man said and Louis turned his head to look at Harry, who looked just as confused.

''You must be Adam.'' Louis said and the man nodded, his eyes tearing up, making Louis wonder if he knew him.

''You don't remember me, do you?'' the man asked and Louis shook his head.

''Come in.'' the man said, freeing up the space and letting both Louis and Harry in, who just nodded, giving him a polite smile.

''Please sit.'' Adam said and Harry waited for Louis, who looked around to sit.

''Sit, Lou. It's okay.'' Harry said, giving him a reassuring smile and Louis nodded, before sitting and Harry sat next to him.

''When you were a little, until the age of four, I think, I used to visit you frequently but after a while, Mark forbid me of seeing you anymore and Jay didn't have a word in it. I was at her funeral. Your mother was something else. Your mum and I met in high school and we were dating for several years, I think two and when she was nineteen she got pregnant and we agreed that we would get married and make it work but her parents, well... your grandparents didn't like it, I guess because they made her stop seeing me, they moved far away and the only source of getting to know you was some pictures that I would rarely get. When I found out she was married to Mark, I just got in a plane to see her and you and she already had a kid. I started seeing you for a while, until Mark stepped into the whole situation and the rest is history, I guess. I always sent letters or presents but I never got a feedback, assuming that you either hated me or you never got them.'' Adam said and Louis looked at Harry with a desparate look on his face, as he was begging him to say something.

''So, when was the last time you saw him?'' Harry asked him.

''At his fourth birthday, when Mark stopped me and warned me, saying that he was going to sue me or something. I- I am so sorry because I know that I chickened out and just let you down but at that time, I had no job, no money and I had nothing to fight him.'' Adam said, his voice breaking at the end and Louis was speechless.

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