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''Are we witnessing gay porn, right now?'' Niall asked.

*1 and a half day ago*

''So where were you for the past ...I don't know 14 fucking hours?'' Zayn asked Louis, who cursed under his breath, as he saw Zayn opening the lights.

''Run some errands'' Louis replied and took out his shoes.

''And you finished at midnight?" Zayn asked suspiciously.

''Now I remember. I also went to my house to clean.'' Louis said and face palmed himself.

''You? Cleaned your house?'' Zayn asked again not believing in his ears.

''Yeah, yeah, now tell me about your getaway with Elise.'' Louis said, trying to make Zayn forget about his whole questioning thing.

''Oh yeah. We had a great time, great, great time. We went to that resort and it had still snow and stuff. We should go again.'' Zayn said, excited.

''Ew. No.'' Louis said and pretended like he wanted to throw up.


''Tomorrow we have one class in the morning.'' Louis said through the phone and Harry confirmed.

''Okay, then we will go to my house because the girls will have school.'' Louis suggested and Harry smiled.

''Yes.'' Harry said and Louis could heard yelling from the other line.

''Who is that?'' Louis asked and Harry sighed.

''Niall. He watched golf games all day and he yells. I can't stand him anymore.'' Harry whined and Louis laughed.


''So, what will you do tomorrow, guys?'' Liam asked the boys and Louis and Harry looked at each other.

''Uhm nothing much I have classes all morning.'' Louis lied and Harry nodded.


''Same.'' Niall said and Zayn nodded.

''You want to meet after?'' Liam asked and Niall nodded with Zayn agreeing.

''I can't. I have to cook for the girls.'' Louis said and coughed.

''I also have a thing with a girl and uhm you get it.'' Harry said and Louis looked at him disgusted.

''At least I get laid.'' Harry said and Louis rolled his eyes, looking away.

''We have to go.'' Liam said and all the boys nodded, except from Louis and Harry, who looked at them confused.

The truth is that every time the boys sensed a fight coming, they left because it was so exhausting for them to witness the same and same fights all over again. And the fun part was that they were fake but still really believable. Should have been actors, at this point.

''Yeah, I am coming too.'' Harry said and got up.

''Cool, see ya in I don't know one month? or two? When are you ready to face us again?'' Louis said frustrated and Niall pushed Harry slightly telling him to move faster.

''Oh yeah? Maybe never because I am tired of your stupid face.'' Harry replied.

''Whatever, lad. Bye guys.'' Louis said and waved at the other, who smiled and pushed Harry to exit the house, as fast as the could. Harry put his hands behind his back and formed a heart with his fingers and Louis smiled a little, touching Harry's hair, that was tied around his wrist. (A/N CRINGE)

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