Testifying about your ex

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''Why the fuck didn't you tell me that Louis has a girlfriend?'' Harry yelled upset, as he threw the groceries on the floor and took out his shoes, literally kicking them off his feet, them falling on the wooden floor.

''He has a what?'' Niall asked, turning his head, looking at Harry confused because he had no idea Louis was dating someone but oh well, he didn't talk to any of them so how could he possibly know?

''I run into Phoebe and Louis at the supermarket. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.'' Harry screamed and jumped annoyed at how stupid he was.

''Louis saw you?'' Niall asked shocked but Harry shook his head.

If Louis saw Harry, then the whole plan would be screwed.

''No, but Phoebe did and she told me about Louis. How could he do it ahh.'' Harry yelled and jumped some more, Niall trying to contain his laughter at how ridiculous Harry looked and acted.

''What's her name?'' Niall asked and Harry made a disgusted face.

''Danielle. How basic?'' Harry said and rolled his eyes.

''Ok, Harry.'' Niall said, emphasizing on the 'Harry' because it was one of the most regular names in the world.

''Yeah, but I make it sound good.'' Harry said and flipped his -not existed- anymore long hair.

''No because I just realized that I know Danielle. She was friends with Louis but I didn't know they started dating.'' Niall said and Harry slapped him.

''What the fuck, Niall?'' Harry yelled and Niall looked at him confused.

''Louis had a friend and you didn't tell me?''

''I didn't know that I should. Chill, man.'' Niall said, rubbing his cheek, pouting.


''It was such a stupid idea, doing this. We shouldn't go.'' Niall said but Harry shook his head, wearing his simple, black suit.

''Don't be stupid, Niall. This was the best idea we ever had.'' Harry said, buttoning up his plain, white shirt.

''Are you insane? I bet Mark will kill us.'' Niall said, feeling his hands sweating.

''We will be in court. Calm down, Ni.'' Harry said, putting on his shoes.


There are usually 3 stages to get over a break up.



And finally, moving on.

Well, Mr. Louis Tomlinson did the first two really successfully, no you don't understand, really successfully, especially the second one. There was no thing, safe and sound in the house. He broke every plate, every glass, everything. He even started boxing because Liam turned out to be much stronger than Louis expected and it would take a lot of strength to beat the crap out of him.

The stage that Louis was not good at and did everything to pass that level is the moving on one. How much time did it take? Because here, 5 months had passed and nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Still Harry.

Even though, he was dating someone else and believe me and Louis, Danielle was great, really great, great, Louis didn't feel it. Yes, he had an amazing time with her but it was not like it was with Harry and it was killing him. Maybe, he needed some more time to be with her to see or to make sure that he didn't feel it. But who knew, maybe he could actually love her so much, more that Harry.

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