Shut up and listen

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''Then be my boyfriend.'' Harry said and Louis raised his eyes until they met.

Moving too fast?

Too fast?


But oh well, Louis didn't think of that. He liked-loved?- Harry way too much to deny it. The only thing that scared him and didn't expect to be a problem is that this was probably Harry's first relationship and Harry wasn't exactly the faithful type, which meant that he may screw up. On the other hand, Louis wasn't faithful either, which made them being a couple 99.9% a mistake.

''Look, I know it's too soon and I am the worst at this but I promise you that I will never, ever hurt you. I told you that before, I will be by your side until you don't want me anymore and you will be the one and the only one, who will have that power over me. I left but I came back for you and only you and I am not going to mess anything up again. I will be the best at this. I swear, please trust me, please be my boyfriend.'' Harry said and hugged Louis, putting his head on Louis' shoulder who stood there shocked by how Harry went from fucking him to asking him to be his boyfriend and making a quite romantic speech.

''If we don't have trust, we have nothing.'' Louis mumbled and Harry wrapped his arms around his waist.

''I know, Lou and I don't know what I have to do to gain your trust but I will find it out and I promise you that I will the best and we will have everything because we will have trust, I promise you. Please.'' Harry pleaded and Louis to be honest was confused. Why did Harry wanted to be his boyfriend all of a sudden? Like, some hours ago he said 'hanging out'.

''I trust you but you clearly don't trust me.'' Louis said and pushed Harry away, who shook his head multiple times and mumbled 'No, no, no' ,as he was high or lost or both.

''No I do. Why would you say that? I do. I trust you with my heart.'' Harry said and went closer to him but Louis put his hand forward, meaning for Harry not to get any closer.

''Do you hear yourself? Do you remember what happened 5 minutes ago? You literally wanted to fuck me before I mentioned George and you asked 3 fucking times who he was. Not once, twice but thrice. You are trying to make me your own? Like, 4 hours ago, you were like 'oh we are just hanging out'. If you want to do this do it right or don't do it at all.'' Louis said and left to go to the field.

Harry just sat there not understanding shit, his head spinning and there was only one question in his mind.

What the fuck just happened?


''Tomlinson, stop tackling your teammates. You are a fucking team. If you want to hurt your teammates start boxing.'' Coach yelled pissed and Louis shook his head, multiple times, before running towards the ball and 'stealing' it from his teammate 'opponent' for the practice. He run like the fucking wind and...shoot...goal.

''Good job, Tomlinson, but don't break anyone's legs in the actual game.'' Coach said and Louis nodded, before going in the lockers.

Fucking Harry. He just wants to make sure that Louis won't fuck random dudes, while they are just 'hanging out', doesn't he? He thinks this is a joke? Oh My God, someone wants to fuck Louis, I should marry him because then no one would want to fuck him. He just... ugh. Doesn't he trust him? Does he really think that Louis will become a manwhore right now? When he has Harry and a tone of shit to deal with? Why can't he just understand that Louis only wants a peaceful life and Harry? It was not that hard. Louis proved that to him every day. Even when they hated each other, when Harry had left, when they were friends, Louis slept with no one.

And Louis knew what he had to do.


''Is Niall here?'' Louis asked, as he entered Niall and Harry's apartment.

''No'' Harry said and Louis immediately walked past him.

''I am sorry, you were-'' Harry started but Louis cut him off.

''Sit on the couch and listen to me. Don't interrupt me and just don't talk until I tell you to.'' Louis said and Harry sat down, looking at him.

''This is me telling you everything. Every emotion I felt with you, because of you from the very beginning I know you. This is hard but I have to do this so just let me do the talking. Uhm okay. When I met you I hated you because you hated me. I didn't hate you. I hated you because for some reason you hated me and you just brought the worst in me, even if I didn't realize it. You just made me mad. Like mad, mad. I hated you for hating me and for bringing the worst in me. But at the same time, you were so right because I don't know. Every single thing you said was right and I wanted to change I really did but the shadow of Mark and his money was in my head, he just made me his soldier or his robot that was meant to take over his business . I don't want to blame him, I don't fucking know why I was like this to others. I just try to blame him because it's easier. Anyways, then we became friends and it was great. I had a great time with you and I still have, most times. Uhm some night before you leave I kind of admitted to Zayn that I liked you but I was also confused because I was supposed to be straight, you know? There was a fucking plan and I didn't follow it because it wasn't meant to be for me. It was meant to be for the perfect biological kid of Mark Tomlinson and I wasn't that. And you were just so great, so fucking great, you know? Helped so much with everything, like the girls, the house, with Mark and I know he was a dick to you and I was an asshole because I didn't defend you to him because your hair do look great and the clothes you wear are not weird because you wear them and you are also weird so...they just scream you. Then, you left and it drove me nuts. Why did you leave? Because of me? Because I was too much? And then you told me it was because of me and I am still confused about that so Harry hold that because I want an explanation. Then, Eleanor came in the picture and she was great, really great or so I thought. I started liking her but it was not like it was with you. With you it's just different... It's just better but I was so mad at you that I stopped remember how I felt and I was busy with the girls, to raise them right and you were gone for a month. There were a lot of things that I have forgotten about you. I was blinded by my hate for you because I think that at some point just a few weeks ago I did hate you. So, uhm when you left I did a lot of things like I joined the football team, I went and I am going to therapy, I focused on the girls, I grew closer with the boys but there would always be that why. Why did you leave? and I don't know if that thought would ever go away. You made me feel so different that I don't know. It was the first time, my first crush and just ugh I don't know how to explain it to you. I felt like it would chase me for the rest of my life because suddenly my friend/ crush left me in the worst timing and not just me, also, his friends. After a month, boom you were here and I was shocked and I felt emotions that I had buried inside rushing back and I don't know. I think I freaked out and I yelled at you and I am sorry. And then I decided to be with Eleanor because she would be a distraction and I would get my mind off you but it was wrong and I am so sorry. I don't know why I am sorry. I just am. I am sorry because I treated you like that, I am sorry because I treated Eleanor like that, because I am a cheater. Anyways, that day that I was at the field with her, I felt happy and I thought that it was enough but then we returned and on the side of the street, I found your clothes and I don't know why you were there but I felt guilty. So guilty because I had feelings for you and I knew it and I pretended that it was okay with Eleanor but it wasn't. It was not okay. She wasn't special, she was plain and basic for me and it was wrong. Anyways, then at the bar, I just felt like talking to you, I don't know... I missed it, missed our talks and I missed us in general. Then, you just pissed me off, nothing original and the you just kissed me and everything became simpler, like I understood that I didn't like Eleanor anymore or I never did and I liked you so much, like too much and yeah that's it, I think. Also, you suck at asking someone anything important that it requires to be romantic, so I am going to ask you to be my boyfriend but you will have to cut these jealous shit because you've seen how chill I am with the fact that you have slept with half the university.'' Louis said, while pacing around the small living room and the looked at Harry taking a deep breath.

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