What you and Harry have is more

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Today it was Christmas and all the boys agreed to walk around the university in their pajamas. Louis run to Niall's apartment and started jumping on him bed.

''This ain't your boyfriend's bed'' Niall mumbled and threw a pillow at him. Louis rolled his eyes and continued jumping when Harry came inside and asked what was going on.

''It's Christmas'' Louis before jumping on Harry, wrapping his legs around his waist. Suddenly, they both heard a 'click' before turning to look at Niall, who was holding a camera.

''This is definitely going on the album.'' Niall said excited. Louis and Harry raised an eyebrow, continuing looking at Niall who didn't even notice it. Instead, he went back to sleep. They heard the front door open and Zayn entered with Liam next to him.

''Hi guys. What's up?'' Liam asked.

''Merry Christmas, Payno'' Louis said, hugging him. Liam was surprised but hugged him back. Louis hugged Zayn and they all went out for breakfast, except from Niall. Niall was busy sleeping because after Louis' 'party' was over he decided to go see his nephew but he ended up staying up all night. After that they all went their separate ways, in order to buy gifts for each other. Louis was wondering around, when he saw a shop with art stuff, like paints. He went inside and looked at everything before deciding on some paints and brushes. They costed about 300$ but Louis didn't even notice. He hoped that Zayn would like it. Then, he went to a shop and chose a really, really special gift for Liam. He stopped at the Mc Donalds to pick another gift and the only one who remained was Harry and Louis had no idea what to buy for him. He walked every book store or cloth store but he couldn't find anything. He wanted something that would scream Harry. He walked into Gucci, hoping that he would find something. There, he saw a simple black hoodie that had a quote on it.

You can never be overdressed or overeducated.

― Oscar Wilde

Louis smiled. This definitely was for Harry. He picked it up with a pair of shiny boots. Louis liked the gifts that he had picked for the boys. He thought that they suited them. After some time he started looking for the boys, when he saw Harry making out with a guy. Gosh, can he just stop fucking everything that walks? Louis hated seeing Harry being the bad boy persona because that wasn't Harry. Harry was sweet and thoughtful when he was around the other boys but when he was around other people, he would always be flirty and even ignore them.


Louis walked passed them and Harry didn't even seem to notice that Louis has just seen him. Louis thought that the boys weren't done with their shopping so he decided to go sit at a café. When he saw one nearby that seemed descent, he saw Niall sitting on one of the tables.

''Niall?'' Louis asked. What the hell was he doing here? Wasn't he sleeping like 2 hours ago? Louis took a seat next to him and noticed that Niall had a lot of shopping bags just like him.

''Hi Louis'' he exclaimed and told him that he had picked an awesome gift for him.

''How did you go shopping? You were asleep when we left the apartment.'' Louis asked confused.

''Please.'' Niall said, scoffing ''I am much faster then any of you and bet that my gifts are the best.'' Niall continued.

''I don't think so, mate'' Louis said, laughing.

''So, how are things between you and Harry?'' Niall asked.

''Why are you always ask me about my friendship with Harold?'' Louis asked. Niall was obsessed about him and Harry and Louis wasn't mad about it but he couldn't understand why Niall thought that him and Harry were closer than the others. Yes, they had some moments as friends but nothing special. After they stayed at Harry's house that night, they had barely even hang out alone. Sure, it had been only two days but Harry was basically ignoring him or treated him equally.

''Louis, I have seen a lot of friendships over the years and I can assure you that what you and Harry have it's more. It is like you complete each other. To be honest mate, I have never seen anything like that. I am not saying that you are attracted to each other or have a romantic relationship, but if you do there is the slight possibility I am the best man.'' Niall said, smiling with a serious look. ''What you and Harry have is not friendship. It is like a really special bond that I can not explain. You don't have that with me, Zayn or Liam. It is just you and Harry.'' Niall said.

Louis was speechless. This was the first time that he had seen Niall talking so seriously and he felt kinda weird. I mean, he always felt different with Harry. Like, he have known him his whole life but that was it. It wasn't like he liked Harry in a romantic way or anything. Louis was in deep thoughts, when his phone rang. It was Harry.

''Hi Harold'' Louis said, gulping when he felt Niall's eyes on him.

''Lou, you won't believe the gift that I bought you. It is a responsibility though. Can you handle it?'' Harry said, making Louis feel confused, once again.

''What do you mean?'' Louis asked.

''You'll see. It is perfect.'' Harry beamed before saying 'Goodbye' and hanging up.

''See? Harry was excited to tell you about the gift. He didn't call me or the others. He called you because that gift will be special.'' Niall said before taking a sip of his coffee.

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