Flying to Greece

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''Can you please stop interrupting our sleep? I am begging you.'' Louis pleaded and groaned but Harry pulled him into a hug and Louis put his head against Harry's chest.

''No, your bestie has arrived to Germany.'' Zayn said and jumped on their bed.

''Here is your key. Out.'' Louis said, handing him one of the keys.

''Oh, come on bro, we are in Germany. Let's all do something fun.'' Zayn said and laid next to Louis, who went closer to Harry, as he was terrified of Zayn.

''No, let me spend some time with my boyfriend and we can meet you soon.'' Louis said.

''How soon? And are you naked?'' Zayn asked and uncovered both Louis and Harry, who likely wore sweatpants.

''Zayn'' Louis whined and covered him and Harry again, when a cold weave hit him.

''Get up.'' Zayn said, rolling himself off bed.

''When the hell did you come, anyways?'' Louis wondered.

''Hours ago. You've been sleeping the whole day. It's morning.'' Zayn said and Louis looked at Harry shocked, who was fast asleep again.

''Harry.'' Louis whispered and shook him slightly.

''Wake up you fucking bitch.'' Zayn said and Harry opened his eyes, flipping him off.

''What?'' Harry asked.

''We've been sleeping the whole day and it's morning.'' Louis said and Harry sighed.


''And? We missed valuable time.'' Louis said and got up.

''I'm tired, though.'' Harry said and hugged the pillow next to him.

''It's jet lag, Harry. You'll get over it.'' Zayn said and grabbed his hands, trying to drag him off bed.

''Fine.'' Harry said getting up too, exhausted, even though he slept for more than fifteen hours.

''Come on, love.'' Louis said, putting on his hoodie and handing Harry his.

''I still can't believe you travelled all the way here, while I was in my apartment.'' Zayn said laughing.

''Hilarious.'' Louis said, shooting him a glare.


''So, here is Brandenburg Gate.'' Louis said and looked at the big gate with an awe. It seemed so majestic and big.

''It says here it is a symbol of unity and peace for the whole Europe.'' Harry said, reading from the flyer.

''Whatever, let's take a picture.'' Niall said, clapping his hands excited and Zayn took out his camera.

''I think they are way too excited.'' Harry said, looking at the boys, who were trying to find a good posture to take a good picture.

''Yeah, it's nice, that they are happy. Especially Zayn.'' Louis said, smiling a little.

''Mhm.'' Harry said and kissed Louis.

''Ew, guys. It's annoying. Remember when we used to ship them? If I could just travel back in time and slap myself.'' Niall said and the others nodded.

''If you were going to travel back in time, why not break us up in the first place?'' Harry wondered and Niall rolled his eyes.

''You are soulmates. We could just stall you.'' Niall said and the others agreed, making Harry and Louis smile and blush a little.

''Oh come here now and let's take a pic.'' Liam said and they all smiled for the picture.


''How do you do that?'' Zayn asked suddenly and Louis looked at him confused.

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