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''Oh, good. You're here.'' Niall exclaimed, as soon as he saw Harry entering the apartment.

''Where would I be? I said that I will come back.'' Harry said and Niall looked at him with a worried look.

''Harry, I think you have depression.'' Niall said and Harry let out a small laugh.

''Like every kid today.'' Harry said and made himself a coffee.

''No, like actual depression.'' Niall insisted.

''Jeez, Niall. I am fine.'' Harry said and added sugar to his coffee.

''I think that you should go to a psychiatrist and -'' Niall said but Harry cut him off by placing his mug on the coffee table, loudly.

''I said, I am fine.'' Harry said once again, slower this time for Niall to understand.

''I also...A friend of mine also thought that he was fine but he wasn't and it ended badly so Harry, please go. Louis likes it very much and it has helped him a lot. Therapy is not for crazy people. It helps.'' Niall said and Harry looked at him with a look full of hesitate. It could help. It really could and Harry needed it.

''Okay...I will go to one session but you mustn't tell anyone.'' Harry warned Niall, who nodded happy enough with Niall's decision.

''So golf tomorrow?'' Harry suggested suddenly and Niall looked at him confused but excited.

''What?'' Niall asked and Harry smiled.

''We should go golfing tomorrow.'' Harry said and Niall got up and jumped up and down.

''Yes. Oh My God. Yes, a million times yes.'' Niall screamed and Harry laughed at how excited Niall looked.

They hang out for about an hour, just talking and catching up because they hadn't talked in so long.

''You wanna go out tonight?'' Niall said and Harry shook his head.

''Louis thought that because you guys know, his sisters should also too.'' Harry said and Niall nodded.

''Are you sleeping here?'' Niall asked once again and Harry shrugged.

''I don't know. Probably no, so you could bring your lady friends over.'' Harry said and winked at Niall, who laughed slightly and blushed a little.


''So yeah, me and Harry are actually dating.'' Louis said and the girls looked at them.

''Didn't we know?'' Daisy whispered at Phoebe and shrugged.

''Sh... pretend to be shocked.'' Phoebe said and they both widened their eyes and their mouths hung open.

''You guys already knew, didn't you?'' Harry said, looking at them and they nodded.

''I mean, every time, every single time, that the boys were here, you would fight and scream and when they weren't here, Harry would actually come here and we would have a great time, like come on, we thought that you were together and you just didn't announce it because it was the most obvious thing ever.'' Fizzy said and Lottie nodded, next to her. They all stayed silent, looking at each other until Harry slapped his hands against his thighs.

''Man, now I have to exercise my acting skills for my next relationship.'' he said and Louis slapped his arm, actually laughing a little.

''We fooled 4 out of 8. That's 50%. Good job.'' Louis said and they high-fived.

''Come on, I made dinner.'' Louis said and everyone stayed there, making a disgusted face.

''You also? Come on, we went out one hour ago and we had a great time. Eat it.'' Louis whined, looking at the twins, who looked scared.

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