Wrapping up the last 22 years together

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''Hey.'' Louis said, as he rubbed his eyes, sitting up, looking at Harry, who was reading a book, laying next to him. He had cut his hair short again, this time for a cancer organization and didn't think of growing them out again. He still looked gorgeous, though, as always, if not even more.

''Good morning. Now, sleep.'' Harry ordered with a serious look, causing Louis to roll his eyes.

''I'm fine.''

''You stayed up all night.''

''I'm good.'' Louis said. He really didn't feel tired at all.

''Jane was pretty active.'' Harry said and Louis smiled.

''Mhm...'' Louis said, kissing Harry. He got on top of him, sitting carefully on his chest, never breaking the kiss and Harry smiled a little in the kiss, sliding his hands under his shirt and-

''Good morning, guys.'' Niall said, barging in their room and Louis broke the kiss, turning his head to face him, falling next to Harry, who frowned.

''You guys have a kid and you are married.'' Niall said and Harry raised an eyebrow.

''No shit.'' Louis replied.

''What if she walked in on you?''

''She can barely stand and she is asleep. The question is why you are here.'' Louis said, eyeing Niall, who grinned.

''We are all here.'' Niall said and Louis groaned, before getting up.

''You have your own houses and still, you are here every day.'' he said, exiting the room to check up on Jane. She wasn't supposed to wake up for at least two hours and Louis was pretty strict, considering her sleeping schedule. He made sure to wake her up in time, so she can sleep for most part of the night. She is eight months old and Louis still remembers when Harry and him brought her home six months. One of the most memorable days of his life.

''Hi.'' Louis whispered, smiling a little, checking the alarm to make sure it wouldn't go off sooner than expected. Him and Harry had agreed to take shifts, when it came to early wake ups in the middle of the night but most times Louis would get up-willingly if I may add- and Harry would get mad at him for doing so.

Jane Louise Styles-Tomlinson.

Jane, her first name was the perfect name containing their mother's names Johanna-Anne. Plus, as an extra, it was the name of one of Louis' favorite characters-Jane Eyre- and Harry's favorite author- Jane Austen-so yeah, they both considered it one of the best names. Her second name was Harry's idea, saying that her eyes reminded him of Louis', even though they weren't exactly the same but he insisted that he wanted to hear his name in their daughter's name because it was his favorite one out of all in the whole universe, as he said and he would be honored their daughter to carry his name.

He wrapped the blanket around her, keeping her warm and a smile cracked on his face again. He closed the door quietly, not wanting to wake her up.

He noticed that Niall was still on the doorway, leaning slightly, talking to Harry, laughing.

''Could I please have a second with my husband? Thank you and tell the others to be quite, jeez.'' Louis said, pushing Niall and closing the door.

''Where were we?'' he said, approaching Harry, who smirked a little. He leaned down to kiss him, getting on top of him and Harry smiled in the kiss, turning him around, so he could be on top of him, sliding his hand down Louis' back, never breaking the kiss, when Zayn burst into the room.

''For fuck's sake.'' Harry said, throwing his head back.

''Sorry guys. I was just wondering if we could take Jane for a walk.''

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