Tell me how weird my clothes are

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As Harry was driving, Louis was looking out the car window. Suddenly, he saw a house with a huge garden. The house was made out of stone and it had two stores. It had a lot of windows and a large balcony. Louis could already picture himself, sitting on the balcony and reading a book. The front garden had plenty of trees, flowers and grass. Next to some bushes, there was a sign, which had the words 'For Sale' in red letters. Louis smiled seeing the sign.

''Stop'' he said to Harry, who hit the breaks, suddenly.

''What?'' he asked.

''Look'' Louis said, pointing at the house.

''It's beautiful.'' Harry said and Louis nodded, amazed by how beautiful this house was.

It was perfect.

''Let's go inside.'' Louis exclaimed and opened the car door.

''There is probably no one inside.'' Harry said but Louis ignored him and got out of the car. Harry sighed and got out of the car too. He followed the path made of stone, that lead to the house's entrance. Louis knocked on the door, but no one opened and there was no noise from inside. Louis knocked again. And again.

''Louis.'' Harry said gently but Louis ignored him and instead, he knocked again. Harry knew that this was not only about a stupid house, as an object, but for a home. Louis never had a stable thing in his life... a home. He didn't have his mum, he was studying something that he hated and of course, he was going to court against his own father for taking the custody of his four sisters and he is only eighteen. Harry didn't know that Mark wasn't Louis' biological father. Only Louis and Mark knew that and Louis wasn't going to tell anyone before he was sure of it.

''Louis.'' Harry said again. Louis was standing still, looking at his feet. Harry could not see he face but he repeated his name. Harry went near him and touched his hand.

''Lou... are you okay?'' Harry said and Louis turned his head. Harry felt himself panicking at the sight of Louis' face. His eyes were filled with tears, he looked pale and he was gasping for air. His eyes weren't bright blue as usual but they had lost their color like it was drained.


Louis had another fucking panic attack, that Harry was not prepared for.

''So here's what we are gonna do. Let's sit down, first. Tell me about how weird my clothes are.'' Harry said pulling Louis down softly.

''The- they a- are not wei-weird.'' Louis said shuttering. Harry definitely did not expect that but he moved on quickly.

''Now tell me how much you hate avocados.'' Harry said, remembering that time that there was a avocado on the kitchen table and Louis threw it immediately away.

''People thi- think they are tre- trendy when the- they ea- eat it but the- they are not.'' Louis said, breathing heavily between the words.

''I am trendy though.'' Harry said, pouting. ''Now tell me about your favorite pet.'' he continued.

''Dogs. I am gonna adopt one, one day.'' Louis said starting to breathe normally again.

''You should. They are pretty adorable.'' Harry said, smiling, at the sight of Louis feeling better and getting his natural color back. Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder and heavily inhaling before exhaling.

''Thank you.'' Louis whispered and Harry stayed silent, while looking at Louis, having his eyes closed.

They stayed like this for second, minutes or even hours. Louis didn't know and he didn't care. All he knew, was that he felt safe and that he could stay there next to Harry, leaning on his shoulder, smelling at his hair forever and ever.


''Play guitar.'' Phoebe ordered Niall, handing him his guitar.

''Leave Niall alone girls.'' Lottie said without looking at them because she was too focused on her book.

''Play, you little leprechaun.'' Zayn beamed and Niall shot him a weird look. Zayn was clearly not the type to beam.

''Fangirling much?'' Niall said to Zayn, while taking the guitar from Phoebe's hands and he started playing some random notes.

''Sing.'' Daisy ordered and Niall raised his eyebrow. He started singing some random lyrics.

''I'm here in the living room

with Louis' sisters and they order me to sing this song.

Zayn beams.

Liam sucks.

I am awesome.

Louis is short.

Harry loves glitter.

Daisy is being mean to me and so is Phoebe.

Lottie reads her book and

Fizzy cooks because I am hungry even though I wanted Nandos.'' Niall sang.

''Rude.'' Fizzy said from the kitchen.

''Don't interrupt the singer.'' Niall yelled and Fizzy rolled her eyes.

''Your lyrics suck.'' Liam said and the twins nodded in agreement.

''You suck.'' Niall said and Zayn was about to say something , when a knock on the door was heard.

''I've got this.'' Niall said and opened the door.

''Ni!'' Elise yelled and hugged Niall.

''Elise.'' Niall said, hugging her back tightly. As soon as Zayn and Liam heard Elise's voice, they got up and run towards the entrance, making the girls share a confused look.

''Elise!'' Liam said, pushing Niall and hugging her.

''Hi Liam.'' she said, laughing by Liam's sudden excitement. As soon as Liam pulled away, Elise looked at Zayn, smiling and hugged him.

''How are you?'' Elise asked in Zayn's arms.

''Fine, you?''

''Same old, same old.'' Elise said smiling.

''Hi'' the twins said, leaning their heads slightly, looking at Elise.

''Hi'' Elise said waving, confused.

''Oh these are Louis' sisters. Daisy, Phoebe, Lottie and one more. I don't remember her name.'' Niall said pointing at each girls. Lottie looked at Elise, smiling before returned to reading.

''Shut up, Niall'' Fizzy said, coming out from the kitchen, offering Elise her hand.

''Hi, I'm Fizzy.''

''Nice to meet you. I am sensing some tension between you two?'' Elise said, pointing at Niall.

''He is mad because I said that I will cook, instead of ordering Nandos.'' Fizzy said, glaring at Niall.

''Oh please. What does a thrirteen year old know about cooking?'' Niall said scoffing.

''You are gonna regret these words.'' Lottie said.

''I'm not.'' Niall insisted, folding his arms.

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