As long as he had his friends...

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A blade.

No...The blade.

It has been almost a year, that Niall had seen this and he was happy that he didn't know that this was still in his pocket because he was getting better and that he was going to be fine. He looked at it for some time and then he threw it, as far as he could.

He didn't need that shit anymore. Yeah, maybe Harry had left but he still had the other lads and a lot of things to get his mind off stuff like that. He should stay optimistic because that what will get him through the tough shit. And maybe Harry would come back and Liam was right. Who knows?

He stayed there for a while, before getting up and heading back to his apartment.

''I had to leave. Text when you come back. Love you- Liam.'' a paper said on the top of the table.

As long as he had his friends he would be.


''This is your new classmate, Louis Tomlinson. He will be attending literature classes for the next year. Anything you want to say, Louis?'' Mr. White asked, who was one of the literature professors. This was so embarrassing for Louis. It was not fucking high-school and no one gave a shit that he was attending or so he thought at least. He could see a lot of people turning their heads, as soon as they heard his name. Especially, the girls, who threw him looks of lust.

Okay... he didn't expect them to be so obvious in fucking class but oh- well.

''Uhm hi.'' Louis said, shyly and spotted a free seat next to a girl basically running towards it. As soon as, class finally started and everyone or at least most people stopped looking at him, he let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

''Hi. I am Eleanor.'' the girl sitting next to him said. She had brown eyes and brown hair with some highlights. She was wearing a little bit of make-up and a pair of huge glasses, that didn't fit her. She was pretty but she didn't have that something.

''That Harry has.'' his inner voice said and Louis shook his head, lightly.

''Louis.'' he said with a fake smile, before turning his head focusing on the class. He hated other people talking to him, while he tried to understand class, especially the class that he actually liked and needed to put his one hundred percent into.


''So how were classes?'' Liam asked the boys, who were all eating lunch with the girls.

''Good, I guess. '' Zayn said.

''Yeah. I had a great time.'' Niall said and everyone turned their heads towards Louis, waiting for his answer.

''I loved it.'' Louis said with a smile and everyone cheered. Suddenly, they all heard a knock on the door.

''Who could it be?'' Zayn asked and Louis replied

''Maybe Harry'' and Liam and Niall looked at each other, knowing that it was impossible for it to be Harry.

''I have a delivery for Louis Tomlinson.'' a man said, as soon as Zayn opened the front door. This was not their stuff because he had sent them the address of the new house.

''What is it?'' Louis said and showed himself in front of the door.

''It's a big package. It was sent by a man named Mark Tomlinson.'' the man said and Louis realized what it was. It was his bed. He actually sent it.

''I know what it is.'' Louis said to the others and signed the form that the man gave him.

''We'll take it from here. Have a good day.'' Louis said with a smile.

''The package is at the entrance of the school so you have to take it immediately from there. Have a good day too, Mr. Tomlinson.'' the man said and Louis nodded and closed the door, as soon as the man left.

''It is my old bed.'' Louis said and everyone looked at him confused.

''Why would you need your old bed?'' Lottie asked.

''Me and mum would spend hours talking on this bed. She would read me bedtimes stories and stuff. I just didn't want to let it get all rusty or end up being thrown away.'' Louis said, looking at them.

''We got a package to deliver.'' Niall said, excited and run down the stairs.

''Let's go I guess.'' Liam said, smiling and followed Niall.


''I will take the mattress and you will take the actual bed, okay? And Zayn will take the girls to the house.'' Louis said and everyone nodded. It was so hard to put the mattress, on top of the car and tied it. At least the bed frame broke into pieces and it was easier for Liam and Niall to take it to the house.

Louis put some light music on his way home and thought about Eleanor's offer.


''Hey... I know it can be hard when you start over a class, especially in the middle of the year. So, if you actually want to, I can tutor you or help you with notes and stuff.'' Eleanor said and Louis didn't know what to say. Harry had offered but Harry had left or something. No one knew where he was or they didn't tell him. Maybe he could handle it by himself but it was good to know that he had someone that could actually help him with the lessons and stuff.

''Thank you so much. I will think about it and I will get back at you, as soon as I can.'' Louis said with an actual smile this time.

''No problem.'' Eleanor said, as she packed up her bag and left, smiling at Louis.

*End Of Flashback*

He might even take the offer. It was certainly for the best.

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