They were fine

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''Hi'' Eleanor said, approaching Louis as soon as she spotted him inside the coffee shop. She took off her coat and hang her bag on the side of the chair.

''Hey.'' Louis said and smiled weakly, as he focused his eyes on his tea.

Eleanor was a fucking mistake. She was super nice, sometimes, and Louis hated for doing that to her. He knew that he didn't need it, or want it from the first time. He should have fucking waited because Harry was always in the picture, he was always there and Louis was stupid to assume that Eleanor was the girl, that would help him move on from Harry. Harry was just Harry, so perfect. How could he compete with Eleanor, who was nice but just not special, at least to Louis.

''You seem off. Is everything okay?" Eleanor said and Louis snapped out of his thoughts.

''Yeah...'' Louis said and shook his head before deciding that he would do it now.

''Actually no. Listen, I am so sorry. You will never understand how sorry I am... I fucking cheated and I am a dickhead and I-'' Louis started but Eleanor cut him off.

''It's okay, Louis. I love you and it's okay. We'll get through this.'' Eleanor and the it hit him.

She said she loved him? What the actual fuck? They know each other for 5 weeks or less. She was after his name and the whole 'I am dating Louis Tomlinson, the hot, rich kid' thing. She saw how everyone was looking at Louis the first day, she didn't like Louis, or she didn't see the real him. Louis saw it now. Eleanor was fake.


''No.'' Louis suddenly said and looked at Eleanor disgusted.

''What's wrong babe?'' Eleanor said and Louis felt like puking. She used him. How could he be so stupid?

''We're done.'' Louis said and put on his jacket, leaving Eleanor stunned.

''Don't leave. You don't love me?'' She asked and pouted.

''No and neither do you. Stop acting all fake and nice.'' Louis said and put 20 pounds on the table, before leaving.

What did just happen?


Louis knocked on the door and waited until Harry opened the door.

''What are you doing here?'' Harry asked surprised and Louis hugged him tightly.

''Are you okay?" Harry whispered and hugged him back.

''I'm fine now.'' Louis said and kissed Harry's neck.

''I have made lunch, you want some?" Harry said, still having Louis in his arms.

''Sure, thank you.'' Louis said and let go of him.

''So what happened?" Harry said, as he set the table.

''What happened?'' Louis asked back, pretending he didn't understand what Harry was talking about.

''Eleanor?" Harry asked and Louis pretended, as he was thinking.

''Doesn't ring a bell.'' Louis said and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and smiled.

''That's weird. I swear I have seen you with her a couple of times.'' Harry said and put the plates down to wrap his arms around Louis' small waist.

''Not anymore.'' Louis said and grabbed Harry's shirt and dragged him down, until their lips met.

Louis is full of nice surprises and Harry couldn't complain.

''Where are you going?'' Harry asked, as he saw Louis getting up from the couch.

''I have football practice.'' Louis explained and put on his shoes.

''But the movie isn't over, yet.'' Harry whined.

''This is the third time I am watching 'The Notebook' with you. I got a tattoo, a really nice one, because of it. I know the whole plot. I will have dreams about this movie. I think I can survive without watching the end for the fourth time.'' Louis said and laughed.

''But it is a good one. My favorite.'' Harry whined and Louis leaned and pecked Harry's lips.

''That's why I have watched it 4 times, love.'' Louis said and opened the door.

''Bye, Lou.''

''See you, Harold.'' Louis said and closed the door behind him, leaving Harry smiling and leaning on the couch.

Louis was surprised at himself for being so open, like he just went from the straight to gay/ confused/ probably bi zone so fast. But the thing was that Louis was just going for it. He didn't feel weird or anything because that was who he was. He was closeted or self closeted?, for so long and he had lost so much time without Harry, just liking him or loving him from a distance but now things were different. He and Harry were something more, Harry had asked him out for fuck's sake and maybe, after all Louis could get a happy something, maybe not a happy end but something. A happy moment or a happy month, or a year, or even forever, or even something further that forever. A place where Harry and Louis would spend the rest of their lives together. Maybe Louis was thinking way too far, no maybe, definitely. He should probably slow down.

''Where were you this whole day, Louis?'' Zayn asked, worried.

''Out. Oh and me and Eleanor are done.'' Louis said and took off his T-Shirt and put his jersey on.

''What do you mean you broke up with Eleanor? You seemed fine yesterday.''

''What can I say? Different characters.'' Louis said and grabbed his bag, put on his keys and a change.

''Louis, you can't just leave all the time...Why did you leave the club last night?'' Zayn said and Louis was confused.

''What do you mean? I run some errands today and I left because I was tired. Why are you so worried all of a sudden?'' Louis said and Zayn shrugged.

''I don't know. I just want to watch out for you. Anyways, what time are you coming back?'' Zayn asked and Louis shrugged.

''I have therapy at 6, so I don't quite know.'' Louis said and Zayn nodded.

''Bye, Zayn. Today the girls are coming so I won't crash here.'' Louis said and Zayn waved goodbye.


''Let's go, Tomlinson. So much better than yesterday.'' Coach yelled and Louis smiled.

''Thank you, coach.'' Louis said, as he sat on the ground, breathing heavily.


''Where is Louis?" Harry asked, as he grabbed a piece of pizza. He knew where Louis was but it would be weird, if he didn't ask.

''He is in therapy.'' Zayn casually said and Harry almost chocked on his pizza.

''You didn't know?'' Niall asked.

''No I didn't. Why is he going to therapy?'' Harry asked, as discreetly as he could.

''Just to talk.'' Liam said, shrugging.

Why didn't Louis tell him about him going to therapy? Why did he keep this from him?

No, this is not the right path. No this was just something that Louis wanted to keep a secret or Harry not to know and it's fine. It's good, it's fine and it was for Louis. Only for Louis. No jealous shit. Harry had a lot of secrets and he had lied to Louis so who was he to talk about something, one thing that Louis wanted to keep from Harry and it was fine.

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