He means nothing...really

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''Hey.'' Harry yelled running behind Lottie, who walked towards a chair in the garden and sat down.

''What do you want? To lie again?'' Lottie said and rolled her eyes. She wasn't going to pretend like she didn't see how sad and mad Louis looked, when someone mentioned Harry's name while he wasn't there. Lottie had known him for less than 3 days and he had already left without an explanation.

Who does that?

Harry seemed to be important to Louis and the others, but especially Niall and Louis. Lottie didn't know a lot about Harry at that time but Liam tried to explain how Harry was to her once. Harry was complex but delicate at the same time. He had so much grace and style. It was like he knew how to move his arms, his hands and his fingers. He always dressed with a lot of flair, not normal like the others. He had this intense look with the way his eyebrows were shaped that came into perfect balance with his smile. The more handsome Harry was, the merrier was he complex. Everyone was impressed by how Harry acted, talked or what he did and how special some of his actions were. Not something that you see every day. Definitely not. Who the fuck leaves their friend because he has to take care of four girls, which are by the way, his fucking sisters? Harry was just heartless and an asshole and nothing could change her mind about that.

''No.'' Harry said and sat next to her.

''Then what do you want from us and from Louis?'' Lottie said and looked into Harry's eyes and came to the conclusion that he was anxious and nervous.

''Nothing. I just want you to accept me back or whatever.'' Harry mumbled and lowered his head. He didn't want Lottie to treat him like that even though, he clearly deserved it but he also needed to be part of the team, the family. He was Louis' boyfriends for God's sake. He clearly needed their approval and Lottie was on his way from earning that. And it wasn't her fault. It was all Harry's but the others had forgiven him, hadn't they? Which also reminded him that he needed to give Louis a good explanation this time because Louis clearly wanted one and was still confused.

''I can't do that because you will leave again and then you will return asking for me to accept you back and blah blah blah. You just left your friend because of his sisters? He didn't want us to stay with him at 18. He had to. And what did you do? You left for a month and then you were like 'oh let's return to see how he is doing and if he is staying with these girls'. And then, you will probably leave, won't you?'' Lottie said and Harry realized how his whole actions came off to other people. He was suck a douchebag.

''Oh, shit. I totally messed up, didn't I?'' Harry said and put his face in his hands.

''Look, it was a coincidence. I swear, it really was. I have to tell you something but you can't tell anyone.'' Harry said and Lottie nodded, confused and eager to find out what Harry wanted to tell her.

Harry, on the other side was going to tell her the truth. Half the truth. Louis and him will remain a secret, at least, until Louis says he is ready because he has so many things on his plate right now and the people that will find out about them will probably ruin it, even the boys will act weird. It was better that way, so Harry realized that Lottie should know the reason but not what happened after he returned and why or how Louis forgave him. And definitely not what Louis and him were doing in the kitchen some hours ago.

''I used to like your brother but it was just a stupid crush, which faded so yeah, I acted so weird and it would probably start ruining the gang, you know? I was both hurt and humiliated by the way I acted and how your brother acted around, as we were only friends, which we were and we are but at that time, I wanted more and I am a really stubborn person, so when I want something and I can't have it, I tend to get a little bit annoying and clingy. So, yeah it had started becoming obvious and your brother you totally freak out.'' Harry said and pleaded God, that Lottie would understand what he meant and believe the lie he told her, not exactly a lie but he just tried to pretend that he wasn't lying.

''And what did you tell my brother, when you returned?'' Lottie asked, suspiciously.

''That I like him and I almost fucke-'' Harry thought but he had to stopped these thoughts immediately because Lottie already looked like he didn't believe shit he was saying.

''Family problems and he bought it. They all did. So, don't say a word to anyone. You promised.'' Harry said, looking serious at Lottie, who seemed like he believed him this time.

''Okay. Fine but you have to promise that you won't leave again because if I see another sad Louis because of you, I am going to kill you.'' Lottie said and Harry nodded.

''I promise.'' Harry said and offered her his hand, who gladly took it and shook it.

''Then, you have a new friend.'' Lottie said and let go off Harry's hand.


''How did it go?'' Louis said and Harry sighed, as he took a sit next to him. Louis immediately leaned his head, until it landed on Harry's shoulder and made himself comfortable. Harry smiled and planted a kiss on Louis' hair.

''Good. I just kind of... lied.'' Harry said and Louis sighed.

''Again?'' he said and Harry felt sad that Louis said that but he only did it for him.

''I told her that I had a crush on you and I left. But now I don't anymore and it was nothing.'' Harry said and Louis stayed silenced.

''Are you alright?'' Harry asked and Louis nodded, still having his head leaned on Harry's shoulder and his eyes closed.

The stayed like this for a while, not saying anything, confused about everything and worried about the future but at least they had each other.

''It's late.'' Harry noticed after a while and Louis opened his eyes.

''And?'' Louis asked, not moving, breathing quietly.

''I have to go.'' Harry said.

''No. Stay.'' Louis said and got up, putting his hands on Harry's shoulder, pushing them so Harry can't leave.

''You are so weak.'' Harry said and got up easily, while Louis stayed there pouting.

''Why can't you just stay?'' Louis said and Harry shook his head, searching with his eyes for his coat.

''Because Niall is waiting and I gave them no explanation why I stayed and I have to I don't know... sleep?'' Harry said, stating the obvious.

''You can sleep here.'' Louis offered and Harry smiled, while putting on his jacket.

''Maybe tomorrow but I can't now.'' Harry said and leaned for Louis to give him a kiss. Louis hesitated at first, being kind of mad at Harry for refusing to stay with him, but gave in and pecked Harry's lips, who smiled at Louis.

''I promise tomorrow. Goodnight, Lou.'' Harry said and Louis mumbled a ''Goodnight'' closing his eyes.

The last thing he heard was the sound of a closing door, before falling asleep on the couch.

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