We're the most popular and the hottest couple

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''Harry.'' Louis said on top of Harry, kissing his face everywhere and sniffing him, like a dog.

''Hazza.'' he said in a singing tone once again, kissing Harry's eyes.

''Lou, what?'' Harry said, not opening his eyes but smiling a little.

''How are you?'' Louis asked and kissed the top of Harry's head.

''Good, you?" Harry asked and opened his eyes, smiling at his boyfriend, who seemed really happy and excited.

''Perfect. Also, Niall requested to go out with him tonight.'' Louis informed him and Harry grabbed Louis, rolling him over and now he was on top of him.

''Did you tell him that I have a boyfriend?'' Harry said, bending down to kiss Louis, who smiled.

''I did...but- he- insisted that- you go out- because you- ha-ve been negle- neglecting him-lately.'' Louis said between the kisses and small giggles.

''He'll survive. I want to spend time with you.'' Harry protested and Louis smiled, while he played with his curls.

''He seems miserable.'' Louis said.

''Then come with me.'' Harry suggested excited.

''He will feel like he is the third wheel. Come on Harry, we have so many days to ourselves.'' Louis said and Harry groaned.

''Fine, but I hate Niall for wanting to go out at night.'' Harry said and kissed Louis.

''Stop complaining.'' Louis said, groaning.

''Make me.'' Harry dared Louis.

''Ooo spicy.'' Louis said and Harry laughed before kissing his boyfriend again.


''Why don't you find a girlfriend for God's sake?'' Harry asked Niall for the millionth time and he shrugged, before taking a sip of some alcoholic liquid.

''Free bird.'' Niall replied.

''Yeah, but being in a relationship is fun.'' Harry said and Niall looked at him confused.

''Are you trying to be a matchmaker?'' he asked with a raised eyebrow and he laughed a little.

''Yeah, I just can't-'' Harry started out but a loud bang in the middle of the bar.

''You are a fucking asshole and I hope you drop dead.'' a girl yelled and suddenly, Zayn appeared holding his cheek, that was red and groaned, while Liam was laughing behind him.

''What happened?'' Niall asked and took a sip of his drink, to contain himself from bursting into laughing.

''I told her some words that that girl back in Bradford had told me. Apparently, she didn't say good things and I offended her.'' Zayn said, pointing at the girl, who was talking to some of her friends.

Niall couldn't hold his laughter any longer, so him and Liam were literally peeing their pants and Zayn looked at them pissed.

''It is not that funny.'' he complained and rolled his eyes, sitting next to Harry on a bar stool, ordering something.

''It is.'' Liam disagreed with him and in reply Zayn just rolled his eyes.


Harry entered the room completely drunk and he had no idea how that even happened. He just started talking with the boys and having fun, so he may or may not have drunk a couple of extra glasses... or five.

Harry started humming the theme song from Pink Panther and doing all the dooms, by jumping a little.

''Haz?'' Louis wondered and opened the little lamp on the nightstand, closing his eyes, as soon as the light burnt his eyes. Harry smiled and fell on the bed.

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