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''I am sorry I just I had to leave. Maybe one day you are going to understand why I left but I understand if you don't want to talk to me. I get it.'' Harry said and put his hands in his pockets, turned around and started walking away. Louis stood there for a second until he opened his mouth.

''I could have understood. I really could. I could understand every crazy reason like being kidnapped by aliens but do you know why I will never will? Because from the very first time, from the day that I met you, you called me a hypocrite and that I was manipulate the rest of the boys into becoming friends with them but you know what you did and what you are still doing?'' Louis said and Harry stopped walking, as soon as he heard Louis' voice but didn't turn to look at him. He just sat there listening to what he had to say. Louis continued and Harry felt the words he was about to mouth slapping him on the face.

''You left them again. Didn't ask them shit about their lives and just came here. You are the same as me Harry. You really are. A hypocrite but at least I give a fuck about their lives.'' Louis said and Harry took a deep breath, feeling his eyes, filling up with tears. Louis was right. Harry was a horrible, horrible friend. And that was what he was going to focus on. Being a good friend.


''So you told him?'' Niall said and Harry raised his eyes from the book.

''No. I am not going to.'' Harry casually said and Niall slapped him.

''What the fuck?'' Harry yelled as he looked at Niall confused.

''You said you would fix this and that you would tell Louis and you did none.'' Niall yelled.

''Do you think even if I do things will change? There are two options here Niall. I tell him, he rejects me. I try to become friends with him and that's the end of the story.'' Harry said and Niall shook his head.

''There is a third option. There always is. There are so many options that you haven't even thought of. There are a million options but you just can't convince yourself that there is. Just be bold for once. You came here last night. after a whole fucking month of hiding, telling me that you wanted to be brave. The moment you fucking saw him everything changed. Why did things change, Harry? Why can't you be fucking bold for once... just once?'' Niall said sick of them changing their minds every second of their lives.

''I know there is but I don't want to think about it. You know what the third option is? Louis and I get together and we are happy for a month or something and it just ends because me and Louis will never work. There will always be one that screws everything up. I did and I will because I know myself and I know that I can't be loyal to anyone. When things get tough, I tend to leave.'' Harry explained and ran both of his hands through his hair and rubbed them on his face.

''You won't. I am sure you won't. You just haven't tried being in a relationship again.'' Niall reassured Harry and he looked at him with dark circles under his eyes, which Niall noticed for the first time.

''Then Louis will. It won't work. Niall, forget about it. When I left all I thought is about being brave for once but you know what I never thought of? Being a good friend to you, to Zayn, to Liam and maybe to Louis. This is my first priority from now on.'' Harry said and got up, placing his hand on his shoulder.

''What?'' Niall said, confused, as he watched Harry putting on his jacket and opening the front door.

''I am going to be a good friend for once.'' Harry said and left.


''Hey Liam, I know it's late but do you want to catch up?'' Harry said and Liam answered through the other line.

''Sure mate, meet me at Beachwood café in twenty.'' Liam said and Harry agreed, before hanging up his phone.


''Man, give him a chance.'' Zayn said, as he followed Louis to his old room and Louis shook his head.

''No, I am not going to.'' Louis said, as he took of his T-shirt and put on his football jersey.

''Yes mate, you have to give him a chance. He wanted to explain to you but why did you say no?'' Zayn said and Louis grabbed his keys. Yeah he still lives here, when the girls are not home because he had such a blast living with Zayn, so they thought that it was a great idea.

''Because he is an asshole and I hope he just leaves me alone.'' Louis said and Zayn followed him once again all the way to the living room.

''Where are you going?'' Zayn asked.

''To football practice. Coach wants us to practice extra for the football game, coming up this month. But hey, do you want to have dinner at the school dining room?'' Louis explained and Zayn nodded.

''Good luck.'' Zayn yelled just before Louis closing the front door and yelling a 'Thanks' back.


''Why are you so distracted, Tomlinson?" Coach Michaels yelled at Louis who just got tackled on the ground for the third time today.

''I am sorry coach. I don't know what's happening.'' Louis apologized, as he grabbed his teammate's hand, that pulled him up.

''Thanks mate.'' Louis thanked his teammate, George who nodded.

''Leave for today. Come tomorrow more focused. You are great but just get what's on your mind off, until next match.'' coach said and Louis nodded, before going to the locket rooms.

He got under the hot water in the shower and felt him muscles relaxing. What just happened? It was Harry's fault. It is always his fault. He got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist.

Things should get back to normal and fast.

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