Someone is shy

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The weekend was amazing. Louis' dad didn't pressure the girls and he was actually really nice. They went to the fields, hang out, watched movies and had a great time in general. Louis texted the boys every day...except from Harry. He didn't know if he should text first or anything, so he postponed it. He asked the boys everyday how was Harry doing but that was all. Sometimes he wondered what was Harry doing. He was probably fucking someone but anyways...


''Harry, you must eat.'' Niall said, giving Harry a spoonful of soup. But Harry didn't open his mouth and shook his head. Niall put the plate next to his nightstand and exited the room. He dialed Louis' number, who picked it up immediately.

''Niall, what happened?'' he asked with panic being obvious in his voice.

''When are you coming?'' Niall asked.

''In a couple of days, I think.'' Louis said with a confused tone.

''Harry is-'' Niall started.


''HE IS FINE LOUIS. CALM. THE. FUCK. DOWN.'' Niall said and heard Louis relaxing.

''Then what?'' Louis asked.

''Harry is sick.'' Niall said and hang up before Louis could speak.

''Harry, you need to eat.'' Niall said but Harry got up and took a glass of water.

''Good Harry, at least drink some water.'' but Harry just pour it into the rose and smiled when he saw it absorbing the water. This rose was like Louis to him. He had a piece of Louis with him.

''I am ok, Niall. You can leave. I will be alright.'' Harry said and smiled.


''Good night guys.'' Niall said, before closing the door and entering his apartment. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He went to Harry's room to check up on Harry and he saw him on the bed sleeping with someone hugging him. Niall spat his water and said



*Some hours earlier*

''Harry is sick.'' Niall said and hang up. Louis looked at his phone confused and then he realizes what he said. Louis run to his room and started packing his bags.

''Where are you going?'' Louis' dad asked.

''A friend of mine-'' Louis started but then realized what he said.



''Your what?'' his father asked, leaning on the doorway.

''A friend. I mean not exactly. It is just a nerd that I pretend to be his 'friend', just to do all the researches for the projects.'' Louis tried to explain, failing miserably.

''Louis, you know how I feel about you having friends. They are always trying to manipulate you and try to steal your fame. Don't let them Louis.'' was all his dad said and left his room.

''It's not like that.'' Louis thought and continued packing.


''So you are leaving...'' Fizzy said with sad eyes.

''I have to, love.'' Louis said. He didn't have to and he knew it. He just wanted to see how Harry is because none of the boys replied to his texts. What if they were at the hospital or something?

''We will miss you.'' all the girls said in union.

''I will miss you too girls.'' Louis said hugging them. Mark didn't come to say goodbye or at least wave him goodbye.

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