I want to hug him but also punch him

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''So, what's between you and Harry?'' Lottie asked and Liam raised his eyebrows, as Louis' eyes widened and felt his heart pounding in his chest.

''Nothing's going on between me and Harry. We're just friends.'' Louis explained, gulping at the end of the sentence. Liam was excited to hear Louis' answer at first, but ended up disappointed. He thought that Louis might be lying but maybe it was just Louis getting uncomfortable because someone assumed that his sexuality was something different, other than straight. Nevertheless, he decided to text Niall and tell him what Louis had said.

''Lottie asked Louis about him and Harry and he said that he is straight and he doesn't like him. He seemed really uncomfortable though... I don't know, Ni:('' Liam typed and pressed 'sent'. Not even two minutes after, Niall replied.

''I think, we should leave him alone, to figure it out.'' and Liam couldn't agree more because Louis had a lot in plate right now.

''So Lottie. What do you want to study in the future?'' Liam asked just to make Lottie more comfortable around him and the boys.

''Business.'' Lottie simply replied and Louis turned his head, slightly, still keeping his eyes on the road.

''You never told me that.'' Louis exclaimed surprised.

''Dad wanted to give you the family business and I didn't want to create any conflicts between you and me or Mark.'' Lottie said quietly, almost sounding as a whisper, making Liam feel bad that he was in the car with them because Lottie didn't know him that well, for him to listen to their family matters.

The rest of the ride was quiet, at least at Louis' car because in Harry's there was a heavy atmosphere and Niall couldn't understand why. Zayn wasn't talking to Niall and the Irish lad was fed up and confused.

''Ok Zayn, what's going on?'' Niall asked and folded his arms, while leaning in front.

''You tell me, Niall. Why were you flirting with Elise?'' Zayn asked and Niall raised his eyebrows.

''I didn't?'' Niall replied in a 'duh' tone.

''Hope you have a safe trip.'' Zayn said mimicking Niall's voice and rolling his eyes.

''That was not flirting but even if it was, why do you care?'' Niall said and smirked at Zayn, who looked away and mumbled a 'Nothing' before turning his head and looking outside the car window.

After a few minutes, both cars pulled into the driveway and got out of their cars. Zayn, Harry and Niall walked to Louis' direction, who was just looking at the house. He didn't want to hurt his father, because, after all he was the man who raised him and they shared the same blood. Lottie looked at Louis and asked him if he was ready. Louis nodded and looked at the boys. He noticed that Harry had put his hair into a bun and had changed shoes. Instead, he was wearing simple sneakers. Louis felt his heart clenching, because he realized that Harry had done that due to the fact that Mark had commented on his long hair and his glittery boots. Louis wanted to hug and punch him in the face at the same time. Hug him because this was all Louis' fault and Harry was the only one ended up, getting hurt but also punch him because he shouldn't tell him what to wear. He shouldn't be insecure of what he was wearing, just because other people considered these clothes 'feminine', because they weren't. Clothes are just clothes.

''Shall we?'' Liam interrupted Louis' thoughts and he nodded. He unlocked the door and entered the house. He walked towards the living room but a maid stopped them and looked at Louis with surprise. Louis put his finger on his lips, as a sign for her to stop talking. He continued walking towards the living room, where he saw his other three sisters, sitting on the couch, while Mark was sitting on an armchair, opposite of them and telling them something, when he raised his eyes and his cold green eyes met Louis' blue ones. He got up and walked towards Louis.

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