Harry Styles is crying because Louis likes girls

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''Louis.'' Harry replied.

''What did Louis do?'' Niall asked. He didn't want to upset Harry but at the same time, he wanted to help Harry because he couldn't see this poor lad's heart breaking.

''Did you see how he said that me and him as an idea was stupid? And just fucking laughed?'' Harry said between his sobs and Niall felt his heart dropping.

''What did you just say Harry?'' Niall asked, once again.

''That me, Harry Styles, the man who has slept with half school, is here, sitting next to Niall Horan, crying because Louis Tomlinson said that he was into girls a hundred times and me and him was a crazy and stupid idea and there is obviously no way that this is happening.'' Harry said and let out a dry laugh at the end. Niall wanted to scream because Harry Edward Styles had feelings for Louis William Tomlinson but he tried to stay calm and felt Harry shaking under his arms. Niall didn't know what to do. He could not scream, he wanted to comfort Harry, whose heart was breaking right now. How can a boy stop someone's heart from breaking? How could he pick up the pieces and put them back in place? Because it was simple... he couldn't. Niall knew that so many years of trauma would come out eventually and Harry would breakdown. Louis was just the final hit before Harry had this meltdown.

''Talk to him. I know that deep down he feels the same you just have to make him feel that and-'' Niall started but Harry got up and looked at Niall with a look that combined fury and hurt.

''Cut the fucking bullshit. This is your fault. Everything that happened is your fault. 'I know that you and Louis are different. You don't have the same relationship with Zayn or me.' You made me believe and I fucking hate it. I wish I could turn back time and never met Louis, never met any of you because I was fine back then. I could fuck anyone I wanted because he came into my life and gave me some happiness and hope and then just said that he doesn't feel anything. Not just saying. In fact, he laughed and said that it would never happen. You said that at some point it would. You know what? I can't change for anyone. I can't. And I fucking won't. Not for you or him. I am done with this kind of shit. From tomorrow I will become the old Harry Styles because he was far better from this one. This one is soft and breakable and I won't let him or anyone make me feel that way again.'' Harry said and wiped his tears.

''Harry-'' Niall started but Harry cut him off.

''Save it. No word to anyone about this. This never happened.'' Harry said and grabbed his coat, walking out of the apartment. Niall closed his eyes, sighed and run after him.

''Harold wait.'' Niall said but Harry didn't. Instead, he started running and Niall didn't have a choice but to run faster and faster. He reached him but he felt like his legs couldn't keep running so he did the most obvious thing. He jumped on Harry, leading to them falling on the ground and Harry letting out a groan.

''Have you been working out? Why are you running so fast?'' Niall asked but Harry just shook his head and tried to get up but he couldn't because Niall put his whole body on top of him.

''Harry, I may have said the wrong stuff, giving you false hope, as you said but Harry don't let this make you the person you were before. I don't want you to fucking become the old you because the Harry that I know is the Harry who gives a damn about his friends, see the best in people, wears weird clothes and writes his favorite quote on the front page of a book. I like that Harry and I am sorry if I hurt him in anyway. I love you, Harold.'' Niall said and got up, offering Harry his hand to lift him up. Harry grabbed his hand and got up. He looked Niall in the eyes and told him.

''That Harry has died.'' he said before turning around and walking away. Niall looked at his clock and saw that it was 6AM. He sat on the ground feeling lost. He ruined everything. He fucking messed up...big time. What would he say to the boys? He didn't know what to do. For the first time in almost half a year that Niall was in this school, he felt tears rolling down his cheeks. He messed Harry up. He ruined everything. He fucking ruined this. He should have shut the fuck up. Niall headed to the school park and climbed a tree. Man, he hadn't done that in so long. He missed his past life, he hates his present one. He wants to go back to Ireland, he wants to be at his old room with his video games and watching golf with his dad.

Niall stayed there until the sun came out. He stayed there when the bell rang, meaning that the breakfast is ready. He stayed there until students came with their coats and scarf to walk. Niall felt empty but also guilty. He couldn't believe this. Every time he closed his eyes, he just saw Harry's hurt eyes, turning into cold and dark ones. He looked so good the past month. No nightmares at all. Niall's phone vibrated in Niall's pocket. He saw that it was a text from Louis.

''Hey Ni. You wanna hang out with me and the boys? Of course, bring Harry if he is feeling better :)''

Niall felt his eyes tearing up. What could he possibly say to them right now? That Harry is in love with Louis and that he had a breakdown, blaming Niall for everything or the fact that he is back to being the cold Harry? He dialed a number. The only reasonable person that could handle this. The only person that could help him.

''Niall?'' Liam answered the phone almost immediately.

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