Be my boyfriend

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''Louis!'' Phoebe yelled, as soon as she saw her brother and Louis screamed.

''I missed you, you little shits.'' Louis said, hugging them tightly.

''It's crazy. I haven't seen you in three days and I missed you so much.'' Louis whined and the twins laughed.

''Hi, Louis.'' his grandma said and hugged him.

''Hi granny. Hi grandpa.'' Louis said hugging them back.

"Louis, can we talk to you?'' His grandma said and Louis nodded.

''Did something happened? Did the girls bother you?'' Louis asked and his grandpa shook his head.

''No, no they are great Louis. They are great. Really. We just wanted to talk to you about the custody thing. You are too young Louis but go for it. Definitely. Mark is an asshole and he deserves it but you are too young to take care of them. We can take care of them. We have better schools and everything. Louis we can take care of them, okay? They will be fine and they will see you all the time.'' his grandpa started saying but Louis shook his head.

''No, no, no.'' Louis mumbled.

''Louis, honey, let us take care of them. You have a lot of work and the court and stuff. You need your time.'' his grandma said and Louis wanted to yell at them.

No. They were going to stay with him and that's it. They are his only family and he needs them.

''Than why do you keep lying?" Louis whispered-yelled.

''What?'' his grandpa asked confused.

''Who is my father?'' Louis said and they both stayed with their mouths hang open.

''What do you mean?''

''Mark told me that he is not my biological dad, so who the fuck is he? and who is my father?'' Louis said and run a hand through his hair.

''Louis, can we not talk about this right now?" his grandma said, trying to calm him down.

''No. I want fucking answers. I waited two months. Every day for two months, I have been wondering if Mark is my actual dad or not and now I want an answer.'' Louis said and slammed his hand on the table.

''Louis, Mark is not your father. We are sorry, we should have told you.'' his grandpa said and Louis felt like he was falling. He grew up, not knowing who his father was and calling the wrong man 'dad'.

''Who is it then?'' Louis whispered.

''His name is Adam Williams. He stays in Bradford. Here is his phone number and address.'' his grandpa said and started writing down on a piece of paper the information, before handing them to Louis, who felt his eyes watering.

''Thank you and no, the girls are staying with me.'' Louis said and left the kitchen and headed to the living room, where the girls were playing a board game.

''Goodnight, girls and Louis. See you next weekend.'' their grandparents called out and everyone waved and said hi, except from Louis, who felt mad, confused, sad and betrayed.

Adam Williams.

Louis' middle name is William. His mother must have had a strong connection with him or even loved him. Maybe, in a perfect universe they could have been a family, a nice one.

Dreams, dreams, dreams.


''Okay girls, see you, loves. Take care, come home immediately after school and be careful.'' Louis said and Fizzy and Lottie rolled their eyes, before grabbing the twins' hands and getting on the bus to school. It was an hour away but it was a pretty good school, the best in the region.

Last night was hard for Louis but Harry helped a lot. They stayed up all night talking on the phone. He knew who and where his dad was and Louis didn't know how to handle that shit. Louis stayed there looking around. This house...oh this house was peaceful and homey and awesome and perfect and... and... and...

Louis went back in the house and packed his stuff for today's classes. He wore his clothes and put on his shoes.


''How are you, Lou?'' Harry said, as soon as he saw Louis, who took a seat next to him.

''Good. Just tired and I am so sorry for calling you. I have no idea why I called you so late. It was stupid.'' Louis said looking at his fingers. Harry scoffed and Louis raised his eyes to look at him.

''If you didn't call me, who would you call? Call me everyday, all day. Besides, I love hearing your voice and your weird accent.'' Harry said smiling and Louis pretended to be offended.

''My accent is not weird. You talk so slow. Oh my god.'' Louis said and Harry started talking.

''I am not talking slow. I am literally-'' Harry said but cut himself off, when he saw Louis pretending to have fallen asleep on the desk.

''You are so annoying. Why do I hang out with you?'' Harry said and rolled his eyes.

''Hang out? Oh, love we are doing more than hanging out.'' Louis said, laughing and Harry smiled.

Oh, yes. Many more.


Harry pushed Louis on the football locker and kissed him roughly.

''Harry...I...I... have...foot- football practice.'' Louis said and Harry smiled against Louis' neck.

''Good for you.'' Harry said and put his hands under Louis' shirt.

''Harry, please.'' Louis said and tried to push Harry away.

''Sh...'' Harry said and took off Louis' shirt.

''Harry if anyone comes and sees us then-'' Louis said but Harry's lips cut him off.

''It won't be the first time and definitely not the last.'' Harry said and started unbuttoning his shirt.

''Who was it? I bet George. He just looks at me all the time with I don't know lust? Bet it was him, right?'' Louis said, excited and not jealous. He knew Harry before and he knew that he was a player and slept around and Louis would just joke about it.

''Who is George and why does he look at you that way?'' Harry said and his eyes turned dark, as he took a few steps back from Louis, who leaned his head slightly confused.

''I don't know and you didn't answer my question. Who was it?'' Louis said and laughed.

''Nick but why does George look at you that way?" Harry replied and Louis made a shocked face.

''Nick? I would have never guessed. He looks homophobic.'' Louis said and put on his jersey, ignoring Harry's question.

''Yeah, now who is George?'' Harry said and Louis sighed.

''Just drop it and after all, I don't see a ring on this finger, bitch.'' Louis said and laughed, pointing at his finger. Harry sat there emotionless, leaning his back on the locker, watching Louis tying the laces of his shoes.

''Then be my boyfriend.''

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