Ruining everything

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''I waved at Elise and said hello to her and she said nothing back and just ignored me.'' Louis said and Harry just appeared from the kitchen a little sad, making Louis furrow his eyebrows.

''What?'' he asked, a little worried.

''How was Danielle?'' Harry asked and Louis looked at him confused.

''Um... nice... I don't understand, what happened, Harry?'' Louis asked again.

''Nothing, I am just wondering how Danielle was as a person. Everyone seems to love her and I don't know how she is.'' Harry said and shrugged.

''Why do you have to know how she was? I am not with her and you will probably never see her again.'' Louis said and laughed a little, trying to shake the awkwardness and Harry's questions off.

''Why don't you want to tell me then?'' Harry asked and Louis groaned.

''Why do you want to know?'' Louis asked.

''Because. But if you don't want to tell me then it's fine.'' Harry said, putting his hands up in defense and then went to sit on the couch.

''I just don't understand why do you wanna know and what will it change if you do.'' Louis said and Harry sighed, before getting up again.

''What are you doing, Harry?'' Louis said, as he watched Harry, putting on his jacket and grabbing his books.

''I want some fresh air.'' Harry said and opened the door but Louis put his hand on it and pushed it closing it, making a loud bang and then, he grabbed Harry's stuff and threw them on the floor.

''No, what the hell, Harry? I don't get it. You randomly thought about this now? What happened?'' Louis asked and looked at him furious.

''Why are you mad now? I just asked a question.'' Harry said and Louis let out a laugh full of irony.

''I am fucking mad because you are mad.'' Louis yelled.

''Can you stop yelling and let me leave?'' Harry asked and Louis shook his head, his blue eyes shooting flames.

''No, I can't, until you tell me why you are acting like this.'' Louis said and Harry raised his eyebrow, before stamping his foot on the wooden floor.

''Like what?'' he asked, waiting for Louis' answer.

''Like a small, jealous bitch.'' Louis said and Harry gasped, before furrowing his eyebrows, furious at Louis, who had the nerves to call him that.

''Let me fucking leave. I am not going to sit here and let you offend me.'' Harry yelled, trying to open the door again but Louis put his whole strength to hold it shut.

''You keep acting bitchy.'' Louis said again and Harry just looked at him, before heading towards the inside of the house.

''I can act more bitchy if you want.'' Harry said and put his hand on his ring finger starting to take off the promise ring and Louis shot him a glare.

''Don't you dare, love.'' Louis warned him, through gritted teeth.

''Love? I thought I was a small, jealous bitch.'' Harry said, taking the ring completely off and then opened his hand, offering it to Louis, who shook his head.

''Wear it, now.'' Louis said and Harry smirked. One of the things that he still loved no matter what was when Louis was annoyed and mad at him. And right now, Harry could practically see fumes, coming out of his ears and his eyes had grown darker, having a shade of electric blue.

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