What's going on?

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I will not take any criticism on this topic. if you are against abortion use a condom, get a vasectomy/tubectomy, buy IUDS or best of all keep your opinion to yourself. If it's not your body neither should it be your choice. I have, I am and I will always support abortion rights. Be pro choice not pro life. Abortion rights are human rights.

PERIODT! If you still are against it and are going to give me all the "god says it's a sin" crap I'd like to remind you that abusing children is also a sin and so many kids are being abused, maybe help them first before coming at people for wanting to have/ supporting abortion. (Took it from a comment If u are the one who wrote it and crazy life brought u here THANK U THANK U THANK U bc I couldn't say it better)

if you don't agree first of all, fuck you second of all, fuck you but in bold letters.


''Hi, can I stay the night?'' Elise asked Louis, standing in his doorstep and he nodded.

''What is happening?'' Harry whispered in Louis' ear, as he followed Elise with his eyes.

''I don't know if I should tell you. It just something between her and Zayn. I'm sorry.'' Louis mumbled and Harry nodded, looking concerned at Elise, who just laid on the couch and curled into a small ball with tears, sliding down her cheeks.

''Are you alright?'' Harry asked and walked toward the couch with Louis following him.

''No, I am so horrible.'' Elise said and sobbed a little. Louis knelt and looked at her, slightly touching her arm and squeezed it a little.

''Um... I can go... um...goodnight.'' Harry said, awkwardly, as he didn't know what to say and he didn't want to get in the way of Elise opening up to Louis.

''No, please, you can stay. It's okay.'' Elise said and Louis nodded.

''Okay, then I'll just go upstairs.'' Harry said, giving Elise a reassuring smile.

''Sorry for ruining your night.'' Elise said.

''No, you really didn't. Goodnight.'' Harry said and smiled again, before climbing the stairs.

''Me and Zayn broke up.'' Elise said and Louis was a little shocked because they were great just yesterday and nothing had-

Oh no.

''I'm so sorry.'' Louis said.

''It's my fault. I got an abortion.'' she said and Louis was shocked.

''Oh you did? Um... I don't know what I am supposed to say. Whatever makes you happy.'' Louis said and rubbed her arm but she started crying more.

''I killed a baby, who wasn't even its fault. I am the stupid one and it had to pay for it.'' Elise said.

''No, it's okay. You said it yourself that you weren't ready and I know that neither was Zayn-'' Louis said.

''But Zayn did found out and he found the pregnancy test and he just came into the room, shocked but then he just hugged me and said that everything was going to be alright but I had already done it, Louis.'' Elise and she started sobbing more and Louis pulled her into a hug.

''It's going to be okay. Just try to calm down.'' Louis said.

''He said that he was ready to take responsibility and that he loved me so much and I just screw up everything and I am horrible, horrible, horrible and I ruined everything.'' Elise said but Louis tried to shush her.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Louis looked at Elise confused.

''Go.'' Elise said and wiped her tears.

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