I trust the blue-eyed boy

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''Boys, we need to decorate the Christmas tree.'' Louis said when they all returned from shopping. This year, they decided to decorate only one Christmas tree and because Louis was the biggest Christmas fan, they decided to decorate his and Zayn's apartment. They had also bought Christmas decorations. Louis opened the first box with Christmas balls and started hanging them on the Christmas tree.

''There is no need to hurry, Lou'' Harry said, laughing.

''The house will look prettier longer, if we finish early.'' Louis said, pouting and continued to hang Christmas balls on the tree. The rest of the boys, grabbed other things, like fake presents, Christmas lights and bows to put around the house.

After they were all done, the only thing they had to do is to put the star at the top of the tree.

''I am gonna do it!'' Louis exclaimed and grabbed the star. He tip toed, in order to reach the top, but he couldn't.

''Aw you are so small.'' Niall said laughing but he stopped when Louis looked at him with a deadly glare. Suddenly, Louis felt hands wrapping around his waist and being lifted up.

''Put the star on the tree'' Harry whispered, making him shiver. He felt Harry's hot breath on his neck, as he was putting the star carefully. After he had put the star on, Harry let him down slowly. He mumbled a 'Thank you' to Harry and he looked at Niall, who was just smirking.

''Ok! Presents time!'' Liam said, clapping because he felt the heavy atmosphere.''Oh my God! That is the best gift I ever got.'' Niall said and hugged Louis. He got him a 200 pounds Mc Donald's card. Currently, they were all opening each other's gifts. Zayn got Louis the 'Grease' DVD with extra back-stage scenes. Liam got him a perfume because his smelled like shit, even though it is Burberry. Niall got him a football shirt with the name 'Tomlinson' written in the back. Harry said that he would give him his gift later and Louis couldn't help but notice Zayn and Liam looking confused and Niall was smirking, again

''Okay...next.'' Liam said, clapping his hands to ease the atmosphere.

Why were Louis, Harry and Niall acting so weird today?


Harry got him a pair of nice boots, even though Niall didn't care much about them, making Harry pout. Liam got Niall a ''Reputation by Taylor Swift'' vinyl because apparently, Niall is a major swiftie and Zayn got him a bracelet that would help them trace him if he got lost again, making Niall utterly excited for some unknown (still) reason.

Louis gave Zayn the art supplies, even though Zayn protested a lot of times, saying they were too expensive. When Liam saw Louis' gift, he let out a little scream and gave a look that Louis could practically feel his skin burning.

''Good one Louis.'' Niall said, laughing and high-fived him.

''You got me a spoon set?'' Liam shouted.

''Yup'' Louis said and everyone, except Liam laughed their asses off.

Then Harry opened his gift and when he saw the hoodie he smiled and looked at Louis who also gave him the shiny, glittery boots.

''I think your style suits you'' Louis said.

''I know. That's why I have this kind of style.'' Harry said looking at the hoodie smiling.

Zayn got Harry a perfume and Liam a sweater with a sheep on It. Harry thought it was cute. Niall got him... condoms?



''Thank you?'' Harry said making it seem more like a question.

''You welcome buddy. We don't want you to leave a random girl pregnant.'' Niall laughing.

Harry got Liam the whole 'Harry Potter' collection in books because Liam hadn't read it. Niall got him a football because he ruined Liam's one and Zayn got him a red hoodie.


''Today was great.'' Louis said, smiling. It really was. Usually him and hid family were going to galas on Christmas and they couldn't spend it as a family. Louis was really happy the past few days and he loved it. He never experienced this feeling for so long in the past and now he didn't want to let it go.

''It's late. I think we should go.'' Niall said before getting up and pushing Zayn and Liam towards the door.

''I live here?'' Zayn said.

''Yeah but I wanna show you something.'' Niall said before practically dragging him out the door.

Louis turned and looked at Harry who was just playing with his fingers, while he was looking at his shoes. Louis felt a little awkward because Harry wouldn't even spare him a look.

''So...'' Louis said as he rubbed his hand on his knees and saw Harry lifting his eyes before smiling at him.

''I had a great time today.'' Harry said before looking at the box of condoms and making a weird face.

''Me too.'' Louis said smiling.

''Oh I forgot.'' Harry said, making an 'oops' face. He went to Zayn's room, where they had all put their gifts and Harry came with a plant pot full of dirt and Louis gave him a confused look but Harry ignored it. He got a glass and filled it with water as he looked for something in his pocket. He got a small envelop and opened it. taking a couple of seeds, before grabbing Louis' hand and putting the seeds in and closing it with Louis' fingers.

''Louis, did you read 'The Little Prince'?'' Harry asked and Louis nodded.

''Good, These are seeds for roses. Our friendship will be this rose. You know that there are a lot out there but this is what makes our friendship special. You will be the one taking care of this because I trust you, Louis. Do you think you can do that?'' Harry asked Louis with a serious look. Louis didn't know how he was supposed to feel about this situation. Harry trusted him and Harry had weird ways of expressing it but deep down Louis was happy, because Harry fucking Styles trusted him.

''Yes'' Louis said looking him in the eyes. Harry smiled and took one of the seeds and told Louis to put his first and then Harry put his. They covered the seeds with dirt and put some water on top. They stayed there just smiling at each other, when they heard Zayn shouting.

''I swear Niall is insane. He kept me there one hour because he wanted to show me something and then he said he couldn't remember what he wanted to show me but made me stay, in case he remembered.'' Zayn said before taking off his shoes.

''I should go. It's late. Goodnight Zayn. Goodnight Louis.'' Harry said smiling.

''Goodnight, mate.'' Zayn said.

''Goodnight, Harold.''


Harry wrote at his diary that night.

'I trust the blue-eyed boy.'

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