You'll catch a cold

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''Let's go to the beach.'' Harry said suddenly.

''Lou?'' he asked and shook Louis a little.

''What?'' Louis groaned and turned on the side, so not to face Harry.

''Let's go to the beach.'' Harry suggested again.

''Sure.'' Louis said, sounding excited.

''Really?'' he said hopefully.

''No. Goodnight.'' Louis said and pretended to start snoring.

''Come on, Louis. Please, I can't sleep.'' Harry begged him.

''I told you not to drink coffee late at night. You never listen.'' Louis said and Harry sighed.

''Sorry, now let's go out.'' Harry said again and Louis groaned.

''Fine.'' he said and got up with his eyes closed.

''Really?'' Harry said and got up too.

''Yes.'' Louis replied, exhausted and he searched for his shoes in the dark, before Harry opening the lights and Louis screamed.

''The light, Harry, the light.'' he said, squeezing his eyes shut.

''Sorry.'' Harry said and Louis grabbed his shoes and a cardigan, handing it to Harry.

''It must be cold outside.'' he said and wear his shoes.

''This is exciting.'' Harry said clapping his hands and Louis looked at him furious.

''Don't be all grumpy. It is going to be an adventure.'' Harry said and Louis sighed.

''Hooray.'' he said, pretending to be thrilled and Harry smiled, before closing the door behind him.


''It's nice, isn't it?'' Harry said, letting the cold hit his face.

''Wear it, Harry. You're gonna catch a cold.'' Louis said and offered him the cardigan and Harry smiled wearing it.

''I love it here. I love night, I love morning, I love the sun, I love the beach. Everything is perfect here.'' Harry babbled walking up and down smiling.

''I love sleeping and a warm, warm bed.'' Louis said, laying on the sand, which was surprisingly cold.

''Sorry for bringing you out here at night.'' Harry apologized, knowing that Louis was probably tired.

''It's okay. Cold is good for your skin anyways.'' Louis said, closing his eyes and Harry laid next to him.

''I love you, Lou.'' Harry said and turned his head, only to see that Louis was sound asleep and Harry smiled.

''So much.'' Harry whispered and kissed his cheek.

''Let's get you back to bed.'' Harry said and picked him up, his face on Harry's shoulder and his legs wrapped around his waist.

Harry was walking towards the hotel when Louis woke up.

''Harry?'' Louis asked his head, still on Harry's shoulder.

''Mhm?'' Harry asked.

''I love you too.'' he said and he fell back to sleep with Harry smiling like a crazy person.


''Hi guys.'' Niall said and opened their door.

''Sh.'' Harry said, putting his index finger of his lips and then looking at Louis, who was asleep.

''Hey, Niall.'' Louis said, before sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

''Oh, good. I wanted to ask you something. Should I start packing your stuff or nah?'' Niall said and Harry smiled, while Louis just looked at Harry and then at Niall.

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