I don't say it...destiny does

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''We're back.'' Liam announced, as he entered the house with the keys that Louis gave him.

''So put on your pants. No more trauma for me.'' Fizzy yelled, as she took a lick of her ice-cream. They had all gone out to buy ice-cream, even though it was late at night and they had already had dinner.

Louis appeared from the kitchen with blood-shot eyes and a small smile on his lips.

''Go prepare yourselves for bed and I will come say goodnight in a while.'' Louis said, smiling and the girls nodded, a little bit confused and also sad to see their brother like that and not knowing why.

As soon as the girls left, Liam asked Louis what happened.

''Nothing.'' Louis mumbled and sat on the couch.

''Where is Harry?'' Zayn asked, confused that he didn't show up and Elise, holding his hand next to him nodded.

''I don't know.'' Louis mumbled and focused on his shirt, as it was the most interesting thing in the world. Niall's eyes widened because he understood what happened.

''You guys broke up, didn't you? Fuck, I told you not say anything and you fucking did. You are unbelievable. I told you god damnit. I did.'' Niall yelled at Louis, who looked at him, as mad as he looked at Harry.

''Did you ever think of me not being able to ignore that? He had- you know what- every god-damn day and he didn't tell me. On top of that, he told me I was too fucking much. Too much. He said he couldn't give me whatever the hell I wanted when all I did want was his fucking trust.'' Louis yelled and Niall scoffed.

''I am leaving before this gets worse. I fucking told you not to. You should have listened.'' Niall said and slammed the door behind him.

''Fuck you, Niall.'' Louis yelled hard enough for Niall to hear, even though he was out of the house.

''What happened?'' Liam asked once again, even though Louis was already climbing the stairs.

''Bite me, Liam.'' he said, with his back turned on them.

''I am going to talk to him.'' Zayn said and followed him.

''Louis.'' Zayn said slowly, as he followed him inside his room.

''What?'' Louis asked and sat on his bed.

''What happened?'' Zayn asked, worried about Louis.

''We broke up. Most people do. Not a big deal.'' Louis explained in short sentences.

''Yeah, but you were fine, when we left and we were gone for less than an hour.'' Zayn said and Louis shrugged.

''We had a fight.'' Louis said and laid down.

''What do you mean a fight? What did you fight about?'' Zayn asked, as he was pacing back and forth, around Louis' room.

''Zayn just leave. It's not a big deal.'' Louis said, closing his eyes.

''I can't if I don't know about why you and your soulmate broke up.'' Zayn said and Louis scoffed.

''Soulmate? I am 18 and Harry is definitely not my soulmate. We want different things in a relationship and I just... I don't know. I felt like I didn't want to do that anymore. Plus, Harry said something about me suffocating him or something that I didn't quite get, so we just broke up before things got way too serious.'' Louis explained and Zayn scratched the back of his neck.

''How? How did it come up?'' Zayn asked and Louis felt himself getting tired of all his questions.

''It just did. We weren't meant to be. Just drop it.'' Louis pleaded Zayn but he wasn't willing to.

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