Fuck what they think

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''Ask me if I give a motherfuck?'' Zayn said, as soon as Liam told him that he can't have come to one of the most famous countries for its beaches and not swim.

''You just can't-'' Niall started out.

''You know I can't swim, so why do you keep pissing me off?'' Zayn yelled and both Harry and Louis looked at each other with their lips pressed into a thin line, when they both nodded and grabbed Zayn's hands, each one.

''Just relax and we'll help you. You don't have to swim. I am too lazy to do that anyways.'' Louis said and Zayn looked at him scared.

''I don't want to.'' Zayn shuttered.

''You will love it, trust me.'' Louis said and Zayn sighed.

''We are just going to get thirty cm in. That's not even much. It will reach the middle of your calves, alright?'' Harry said and Zayn nodded a little scared.

''Go in with the boys, girls and Lottie, Fizzy, watch the twins.'' Louis said and Harry nodded.

''Slowly.'' Harry said and they all take a few steps, until their legs were into the water and Zayn squeezed their hands tightly.

''I need my hand.'' Louis said to Zayn and he stopped crashing Louis' hand bones.

''It feels nice, huh?'' Harry said and Zayn nodded a little, taking a few steps in front by himself and Harry smiled a little.

''There is nothing to be scared of. As long as, you can step on the sand, nothing will happen, alright?'' Harry reassured Zayn, who nodded and now his thighs were in the water and he kept walking without holding Louis and Harry's hand. His water was now until his chest and he clapped his hands.

''Did it bitch.'' Zayn said and all the boys wowed him some meters away.

''Harry, can I talk to you for a second?'' Zayn asked and Harry looked around just to make sure he was referring to him.

''Go.'' Louis said and swam towards the other boys and the girls.

''Is everything okay?'' Harry asked and looked at him confused.

''No, of course, not.'' Zayn said.

''What, why?" Harry asked.

''Elise. You know what happened with Elise. Am I wrong in this? I mean, am I overreacting?'' Zayn wondered and Harry looked at him with sad eyes.

''No, I don't think you are overreacting. I just think that you need your time. This one was a big one, maybe the biggest breakup you will ever face but Zayn, I really think that Elise made the right decision-'' Harry started out but Zayn cut him off.

''She made the easy one.''

''You think she did but come on, do you think that it was easy for her to give up on a new life, on a child, on someone who knew would love her unconditionally, until she died? She could have been a mother with or without you but she wasn't ready and if she had one child or two or god knows how many, if she wasn't ready, she couldn't give her whole into them and they would be unhappy, you would too, either choice you made. There are people, who aren't ready but they manage but it is sad to wonder 'What could have happened if I didn't have a kid?', there are teens, who have babies. No one said that it wouldn't work but everyone wants the best for their children and to spend time with them and if you wanted this, you would have to give up everything, you wouldn't be here with us and you would miss many more things you would do. Look at Louis, he had been eighteen for one and a half week, when he decided to take care of four girls. And now he is almost nineteen and look at him, he is smiling and he is happy because he was brave enough and he had been taking responsibility of them, when his mother died or when she was sick. Not everyone can be like him and of course, it is okay. I am not like him and I have failed everyone, including him. Imagine, if I had a child, I would be the worst at it. I think the question you should be asking yourself is that were you ready or are you just letting it get into you? Just take a break you know? Give yourself some time. Maybe go on holidays by yourself. Relax.'' Harry told him and Zayn sighed.

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