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He opened his eyes, after hearing Niall's scream and saw Harry being still asleep.

''Shut the fuck up, Niall'' he said and got up. He wrapped the blanket around Harry and closed the door behind him.

''Hey Liam? It's happening.'' Niall said over the phone.

''What's happening?'' Louis asked but Niall ignored him and dialed another number.

''Zayn... It's happening.'' Niall said.

''What is happening?'' Louis asked again.

''You know...'' Niall said, winking and dialed another number.

''Hey mum? It's happening.'' and Louis heard Niall's mum, screaming and saying 'Tell the boys I say congratulations'. she said an Niall told her goodbye before hanging up.

''Niall, focus.'' Louis said, grabbing Niall's arm, who was currently jumping around happily. They heard the door opening and both Zayn and Liam entering with pride flags, balloons and a cake. Louis' eyes widened and his mouth hang open.

''What the hell is going on?'' Harry asked. He was shirtless and his curly hair were around his face. He looked gorgeous.

''As always.'' Louis said and immediately said 'Pull yourself together. What the fuck?'' to himself. Liam and Zayn started waving their flags, smiling and Harry looked at Louis, raising and eyebrow.

''Tell us what happened, Niall.'' Liam said, heading to the sofa.

''I entered the apartment and I thought to check up on Harry. I was sure that Louis was still in Doncaster so I opened the door and there they were, Louis and Harry asleep, hugging each other. Louis is the little spoon, by the way.'' Niall said.

''How did you guys end up together?'' Zayn asked, excited.

''We are not together.'' Harry replied and the boys widened their eyes, looking at Niall, who had a guilty smile on his face.

''Louis just took care of me because I was sick.'' Harry said and looked at the boys with a 'you guys are crazy' look. The boys turned their heads to Louis, who just nodded.

''Oh'' Liam simply said with a small smile.

''Damnit Niall.'' Zayn suddenly said and Niall looked at him with raised eyebrows.

''Now we have to find a new way to celebrate when they actually be boyfriends.'' Zayn said and sighed.

''So let me understand this. You guys thought that me and Harold were dating or sleeping together and we denied it because obviously it is not true. So, after all of this, you guys think that there is a chance that Harry and I will end up together?'' Louis asked with a serious look on his face.

''Yes.'' Liam simply said and Niall screamed ''That's the spirit.'' and hugged Zayn and Liam. Harry and Louis looked at each other and laughed.

''So did you guys bring cake?'' Niall asked the boys.

''Sure.'' Liam said and opened the box, that had the cake.

''Hey Liam?'' Louis asked. ''Why does the cake have a penis?'' he continued and Liam gave him an apologetic smile.

''Uhm I thought you liked dick?'' Liam said and Louis shook his head.

''LIAM?'' Harry said and looked at Liam angrily.

''Guys, I am sorry but Niall said that you guys were together and I got excited-'' Liam started but Harry cut him off.

''My dick is much bigger than that.'' Harry said pointing to the cake.

''Louis deny or confirm?'' Zayn said as fast as he could.

''Zayn, what are you talking about? Me and Harry are not together or fuck each other or something similar. I haven't seen his dick.'' Louis stated once again.

''Guys, I think I am gonna go to bed because my head is pounding so goodbye.'' Harry said and Louis rushed to his side.

''Are you alright? Let's get you to bed. You little fuckers go. You woke him up.'' Louis said and took Harry's hand in his, leading him to his room.

''No it's ok. Guys stay here. Please.'' Harry said and Louis looked at him with an 'are you sure' look and Harry nodded. Louis put Harry in bed and put the blanket over him.

''Are you sure you will be ok?'' Louis asked and Harry rolled his eyes.

''You asked that a million times. I will be fine.'' Harry answered, laughing a little bit.

''Ok... Goodnight Harold.''

''Goodnight Lou.''

Louis left Harry's room and went to the living room.

''Hey guys... can we go?'' Louis asked again. He really wanted Harry to sleep because he missed Harry. He missed active Harry. This Harry looked powerless and Louis hated it. He wanted to take Harry out, go to the field, go to a club, to the library. He felt lonely, when he knew that he wasn't with Harry and it wasn't fair to Niall, Zayn and Liam, who can do the same things but with Harry... it was just different.

''Sure.'' Zayn said and got up.

''I don't want to. My roommate is a fucking weirdo. I don't want to go there.'' Liam whined.

''You never talk about him. Why?'' Niall asked.

''Because he is crazy. His name is James and he has a frog pet. Honestly, he doesn't even talk to me but that makes him weird, doesn't it?'' Liam said and got up.

''You can stay with us until it's bedtime.'' Louis suggested and Zayn nodded.

''Thanks, guys. Bye Niall.'' Liam said and opened the door.

''See ya, Ni'' Zayn said and headed towards the door.

''Hey Niall? If Harry or you need anything and I mean anything, call me.'' Louis said and hugged Niall.


After the boys left Niall entered Harry's room, in order to check up on him. He expected Harry being asleep but he wasn't. Instead, he saw Harry on the floor sobbing. Niall's eyes widened and rushed towards Harry. He hugged him and Harry started crying harder.

''The nightmares again?'' Niall asked, still holding Harry.

''No.'' Harry said and started sobbing again.

''Then what?'' Niall asked, resting his chin on Harry's head.

''Louis.'' Harry replied.

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