Chapter 88

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Arjun's POV

"I know you won't, you are not like your father."

Her words cut through my thick skin like glass pieces. I wish it was true, my sweet girl.

"Really you think so?! But I have hit you too.." I said looking at her with hope in my eyes to tell me that I am not like him. Anything but not like him.

"You could have done worst but you didn't, you cared for me despite knowing that I am your enemy's daughter, despite knowing that you lost your mother because of my father. You fell in love with me." 

Yes I did, and hard. You deserve all the love unluckily you are stuck with a man like me who doesn't have a soul but I am a fucking selfish man to let you go. You are the ray of hope in my life, my only hope.

"I am so sorry..." I pulled her in my arms seeking her touch and the feel of her warm body against mine.

"You have been through a lot. What happened after that night?!" She rubbed my back, consoling me like a child.

"Mark saved me before he would have scarred my whole body. He told me that I must man up and start taking my life seriously. I started going to his house after school to learn from him. My training actually began when I was in school only." I shared with her some more bitter details of my past.

She frowned,"You were in school but..."

I shook my head,"I wasn't allowed to be just a school going boy. You don't get it, I understand but this was my destiny. I was concieved not because he wanted a child but because he wanted a heir. In short I was his insurance policy not a son."

When I try to look back in my past, the first thing I remember is Father holding a whip in his hand and Mamma holding his feet, begging him to show some mercy.

"So you think he never loved you?!"

Love?! Father was the fourth child born to the third wife of my grandfather so it was obvious he wouldn't have inherited the throne, he was  in third in line of succession as Grandpa had two elder sons and one daughter born before him but since daughters have no claim to the throne, he was third in line of succession.

Father not just killed his own brothers but also their wives and children. He even murdered a pregnant woman who was carrying his older brother's child. Father just had one love and that was for power, endless and unfathomable power!

By the time I was born, we had no relatives left on my father's side of family, except two aunts who he sold to some other Mafia leader in name of marriage. I don't want to scare Radhika away by telling her about my fucked up family.

I looked her in the eye,"He didn't know how to love me, he gave me everything but not one thing I longed the most for, a family! Mark says he loved me and only me in his whole life but he didn't like me much because..."

Throughout my childhood, he made me feel bad about myself, he wanted me to be like him and even though I am a splitting image of him, I wasn't as cold-hearted as him.

"Because you were not like him."

I was taken aback when she said that because it was all true.

"Do you hate him?!"

I shared a difficult relationship with him, I do have a few good memories with him when he taught me to play cricket and football, he also taught me to ride a bike. Father had too many expectations from me as I was his only child and a son, his heir but I felt crushed under his expectations from me.

He expected me to be his son, and do everything he tells me to do when he was never there when I needed him. Most of my childhood memories are of me and Mamma waiting for him to come home while he use to dissappear for weeks and sometimes months. As a child I never understood why my father wasn't there but now as a man I fully understand that he was busy messing around with sluts.

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