Chapter 8- The Torture Begins

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Radhika closed her eyes and gulped down her tears and pain down her throat....She had no hopes left now.....For the first time in her life She wished that she was not her father's daughter....She wished she was some random middle class girl who dreamed to live her life on her terms.... She wished she was not born in rich high class society and most importantly not in a criminal family....

She wondered what life would be if she was not Radhika Rehan Mishra....What if she was some girl next door who was just Radhika who wanted to fly high in the sky....But she was left with all the miseries...broken hopes...shattered dreams and now she was nothing but a trophy wife for a husband who hated her and her family with every cell and fibre inside him....She gave out a painful sob as she buried her head in the pillow and cried like there was no tomorrow.... Was this her life?!.....Being someone she never wanted to be....Now she was no more what she was few hours back....She was Radhika Arjun Mehra now and the feeling that her name was associated with the man she hated most was killing her....Till yesterday everything was on track... Her dad had permitted her to live her life and broken all the walls around her But now there were no strong walls to hold her back But the wedding locket she wore was not a necklace but a humiliating collar tied around her neck...the vermilion which he had put in her hair partition was not just a red colour powder But ashes of fire put on her.... Now as she looked at herself in the mirror.... She was not able to recognize herself....She had lost herself in this darkness...The woman who stood here was Arjun's unrespectful being who had no identity of hers....The world will only see her as Arjun Mehra's wife and nothing more....She was like a young bird whose wings were chopped off before she could fly high up in the sky....She was drowned in the ocean of grief which was so deep that she could feel herself getting breathless and suffocated by everything... She started feeling nauseous and hysterical... To get some relief, she decided to get rid of all the ornaments on her body....When she was done with all the jewelry and was about to unhook her wedding locket....a strong hand spin her around and her body collided with a hard chest which moved fast and hard....She didn't had to look up and tell who it belonged to as her stupid body reaction confirmed that the rock hard chest belonged to her husband.

Arjun glared at her murderously and caught her neck and spoke in a hard tone," How dare you think about discarding this off your body?!" He growled as he held the wedding locket tight.

She saw him with moist eyes which were ready to spill out tears....She gave out a painful groan as he tightened his clasp on the her neck and pressed her flesh mercilessly.

Arjun pulled her hair harshly and it seemed as if he will rip them off her scalp....He spoke in a venomous tone," You want to whore around right?!...You want to lure other man in your beauty right?!....This z why you don't want this locket on your body?!...You want to warm beds right?!."

His harsh ruthless words were like a knife stabbed in her heart....She squashed up her nose in disgust and pushed him away with all her strength But he balanced himself and stared at her with fire blazing in his eyes.

She raised her finger and answered him in a strong voice, " You can hurt me as much as you want But not a word against my character.... You have no right to point a finger at my dignity when you yourself said that you can fuck anyone out....Then why does it bother you if I ever think about someone else.... You hate me then why...."

Before she could complete her sentence....his hand lashed out at her cheek and a red bruise marred her beautiful skin next minute..

She stood holding her cheek and tears poured out of her light brown orbs....She whispered, " You slapped me for asking you a question?! "

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