Chapter 79

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Veer's POV

I entered the dining area to have dinner and I must say this dining table and the chairs look like the ones that are in palaces. From the looks of it, Arjun loves to live like a king and everything that belongs to him should be grand. I see Arnav and Martha Mehra's picture on one of the walls and another one beside it which has Arnav Mehra holding little Arjun and Martha Mehra smiling at them. From what I have heard from my mother, martha Mehra was a noble lady and when ma was dying, she cried bitterly repeating how she wanted to fall at Martha's feet and seek her forgiveness for wreaking her family.

I know martha must have also gone through a lot but what was my fault in all this?! Even before I was born, my own fucking father asked my mother to get rid of this shit! Yes! He called me shit when he was a piece of shit, himself! No matter what kind of man he was, he loved Arjun the most maybe because Arjun looks just like him. He never saw me neither did he wished to see me so he never knew even I got his face.

My gaze stops on the other wall where I see Arjun's huge picture where he is standing with his hands in his pockets and did I forget to mention that arrogant smirk on his face. All I see is pride written all over his face, he is so fucking full of himself. Why?! Because he thinks he is the prince who had every right to be the king. If only father would have accepted me then I would have proved to everyone that I am ten times better than him. Life is so fucking unfair, despite what Arjun had done to all those people who crossed his part and even to innocents, he still gets the best.

I planted the bomb in Arnav Mehra's car but I had to do it so he realises what is pain. I have never killed other people like Arjun and I feel I am a better person than him at least I didn't use girls like tissues. I was with lily for my gain but I never told her I loved her because I didn't. Of course we slept together but that's different. I know she was with me only because I look like Arjun and that fucking got under my skin. Why everyone only gets close to me because I look like him?! Everyone except one, Radhika! She wants Arjun and only Arjun no one else will do. I respect her a lot for her loyalty and immense love for her husband but poor girl doesn't know he doesn't deserve any of it.

She doesn't even know the real Arjun, that ugly face which he keeps hidden under that handsome face. The day she comes to know his truth, she will never look at him the same way. I feel she could have done a lot with her life if only her husband wasn't Arjun. I know his nature very well, he likes to cage the things he love so that they always stay where he could watch them. I just hope he is dead and I don't ever have to see him again.

I walk to the dining table and cringe as I see chicken breast in the place and there is also crabs curry at the side.

"What is all this?!" I ask the house maid angrily.

"Sir, your favourite chicken breast and crabs curry." She replies.

Oh yeah that arrogant brute can even eat raw chicken if he doesn't get heat to cook it. I am a vegetarian and I can't even take the smell of this.

"Take this away, don't you have something in vegetarian?!" I ask in an enraged tone.

"We have made sweet patatoes and cheese toast for, her highness." She replies in a compliant tone.

"Why she won't eat all this?!" I point to the chicken and crabs.

"No, her highness is a pure vegetarian." She tells me.

Pure vegetarian?! Unfuckingbelievable! Arjun's wife and a vegan, how wierd it must be when they must be having food together. I know he likes chicken so much that he can eat it in breakfast, lunch and dinner.

My trance breaks when I hear the musical sound of bangles, I turn to the source and I can't even breath when I see her. She is dressed in a plain red sari which has a zari border, her long hair left loose in the front but what catches my eye is her mangalsutra and I tear my eyes away from her sinful beauty.

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