Chapter 71

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Arjun's POV

I grab my shirt lying on the bed and wear it. Just when I was buttoning it, someone banged on the door. As I went closer to the door, banging turned to pounding and my hand moved to my gun in my pocket. I always keep one here for safety.

I opened the door only to find Mark with a white face! He looked petrified.

"Arjun, you need to leave this house now. We are attacked."

I raked my hand in my hair and tugged harshly," We could fight, Mark. I am not a coward to run away."

"No it's too late. Just leave right now. They have already disabled the electric laser shield and all the security alarms which is why we were not alerted about this."

"How the fuck is this even possible?! The electric laser shield could be disabled only from the study and only I and you knew that the switch is there. We never told anyone then how..." I say in a exasperated tone.

"This is not the time, Arjun. We have a traitor amongst us but right now we have to rush to safety."

Traitor! Who the fuck could it be?!

God! This can be dealed with later once I have ensured that my family is safe and sound.

I looked at him anxiously,"Sam and Mariam..."

"I have already send them on their way. Now you must leave too. I waited for you."

"Wait let me get Radhika." I start to move towards the washroom but he pulls me back.

"Arjun, let's leave right now let her...."

I glare at him fiercely,"Don't you fucking complete that. I am responsible for her safety more than I am for my own life. Open the door to secret passage on the third floor and get Lily too. We can't leave her alone."

He nodded and next minute looked in my eyes," I won't let anything happen to you Son ever." Saying so, he stormed off.

"Radhika, open the door." I said as I stood outside the door of the washroom waiting for her to open it.

I feel my blood boil in rage when she ignores me.

"Radhika open the fucking door! We have a serious situation here. We need to leave the house right now." I try to stay as calm as I can.

What if we fail to escape on the right time?! My heartbeat races even with such a horrendous thought. I will send Radhika and Lily first then I will go. Yeah I have to save my Radhika and my baby.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I screech in fit of fury.

She finally comes out dressed and I pulled her to my chest as I held her tight to myself. God! Please don't let anything happen to her. I pull back when I realise we don't have much time and we have to get to the dungeon soon as it's the only way out of this danger now.

" I am so sorry baby. I should not have hurt you but this is not the best time for this. We need to leave the mansion right now. Sam and Mariam have already left and now we need to leave too." I explain her.

As the words drop out of my mouth, I feel her shivering so I hold her again to give her the warmth she needs right now.

"But why?! What happened?!" She asked me in a trembling tone.

"We are going to be attacked soon. Your fucking brother has thought it is the best time to destroy me. He is not alone otherwise he would have never had the courage to do this. Someone is supporting him."

Rahil is a pussy. He will never attack on his own and I know that otherwise he would have done it long back. What kind of son sits idle doing nothing when his father is held captive?! What kind of brother does nothing about it when his sister is kidnapped?! I know his kind very well. I have a gut feeling that someone is backing him. I know I have made a lot of enemies with my brutal ways of dealing with people. All I have to do is get out of this house and once I am out, I will make sure Rahil dies a slow painful death. I need to get to my men posted elsewhere and then we can have the much needed war that this stupid motherfuckers triggered.

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