Chapter 33

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Radhika's POV

As we neared the entrance, he whispered in my ears making me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"That man is Frederick Demello. He is a alley and a old friend of mine. Beware he is the biggest prankster and he loves pulling people's legs. He is outspoken but most of the time I find him quiet honest. Tell me if he disrespects you or upsets you with any of his comments. You'll tell me right?!"

I nodded but in my mind I was still stuck on what he said before which felt like sweet music to my ears. I know I was distracted, very but then who can blame me, Arjun has decided to give us a chance. I was overjoyed and overwhelmed by my own emotions, things have started to finally look up for me.

"Don't give away any information about our marriage."

What?! That grabbed my attention fully!

"You don't want to introduce me as your wife?!" I asked him hurtfully.

"No that's not what I meant. Don't tell anyone the way it happened." He clarified and relief surged through me.

"Look what grace has been bestowed upon us and specially me. The Dark Lord has thought me worthy of his presence in my party."

The same man who I had seen from far, started sucking up to Arjun. He was a tall man not as tall as Arjun but still he had a good height. He was slightly overweight but considering his age, he looked fit. He had a few greys on his head and as I looked into his eyes, he had a very unreadable expression in his eyes.

" If you would have not been my mother's rakhi brother, you would have been lying lifeless on the floor with my bullet in your thick skull for all the stunts you pull in my presence. So thank your stars. Don't test my patience."

So they shared a relation that is why he was so casual with Arjun and I could smell some bad blood by the mention of stunts he pulled.

"Have you been to heaven Arjun?! You stole a heavenly nymph from there and brought her in my party. Shit I envy you man. I so wish to have her by my side."

As the words poured out of his mouth, Arjun's grip turned vice. He didn't like it when I talk to other men or other men talk to me or about me.

After putting me in trouble, that man chuckled as he stood up to Arjun. He sure was not afraid of Arjun and I think he enjoyed flaunting it that he wasn't scared.

"Hahaha. Arjun I was just kidding. I know no one eyes what belongs to Arjun. You know I have a wonderful family and she is like a daughter to me. I just love getting on your nerves. It boosts my appetite."

I heaved a sign or relief as frankly his indecent comment made me uncomfortable because I must be half his age.

He queried, " So who is this beauty?! I had never dreamed of you bringing a girl with you and be so territorial about her."

So he never brought a girl with him to any party and for some reason, it delights me that I am the first and the last girl on his arm.

" She is Radhika Arjun Mehra, my wife." He replied curtly.

I could never get tired of hearing that as it affirms that he is giving us a chance. My heart does a summersault everytime he says it.

Hearing him, Frederick coughed his drink," You got married?! Did all the girls refused to take you in their pants?!"

Take him in their pants?! What the hell does he mean?!

" No I stopped getting inside
them. That's all you get to know. " Arjun said, his tone firm and proud.

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