Chapter 57

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Arjun's POV

I sat in silence rewinding the events of last night in my mind and I questioned myself if my past is responsible for what happened last night between me and Lily. I closed my eyes as rest my head on the headrest. Memories that I would rather forget start raising their ugly heads as I go back in time.


I entered the bar with Lily alongside our mutual friends. Tonight's plan was booze and hot dates. It had been a week since that night when I and Lily lost our virginities to each other. I had made it pretty clear that I won't be bemoaned for screwing other girls if we had to have an open relationship. Sounds fucked up but we were more of best friends than lovers and now fuck buddies. I had no relationship or marriage plans for at least ten to fifteen years and I came clean about that before Lily. I did not force her so how does that make me the bad guy?!

The minute I entered the bar, I found women salivating over me. I fucking love the effect I have on girls. Not everyone is blessed with such good looks and a personality that makes everyone else speechless. I let go of Lily's hand as I thought me holding her hand sends a signal that I am taken.

Lily frowned but she knew better than ruining my mood tonight. If I didn't get anyone to fuck then Lily can fuck me too. I don't mind but if I were to be honest I want a new girl. It's getting boring between Lily and me. I spotted a girl sitting near the bar with her martini half-finished. She was exotic looking and fucking hot. I made my move and she was drawn towards me too. I took her to the room which they have upstairs. This bar is in my father's name so I know everything about it. I didn't had to pay to use the room.

I took her to the room and pushed her on the bed. She looked eager and pupils dilated with lust. I fucked her brains out and left her to clean up. I zipped my fly and left the room. I closed the door so that she can have her time to gather her wits. I had pretty much worn her out. My face grimaced as I found Lily standing in front of me, teareyed. Fuck!

She dragged me outside to the back of the bar. I tried to free my hand from her grip without hurting her. If I applied force then she will split in two!

"Lily, what's wrong with you?!"

"You are seriously asking me what's wrong with me! What's wrong with you?! How could you cheat on me?!"

"Fuck! Lily, we are not in a relationship. I made myself clear that I can't be in any kind of relationship right now. I will not repeat myself again and again for you to get this though your head."

"And what about what happened between us?!" She asked with moist eyes.

I scoffed,"Lily, there is no us! I don't believe in love and I don't think so I have any reason to stay loyal to you when I made my stand clear. We are not in a relationship! Period!"

"Arjun, you used me!"

"ENOUGH! I fucking used you?! Seriously Lily Mathews, how can you even fucking say such a thing?! You wanted to fuck as much as I wanted to that time. I did not take you by force. Lily, I can have any woman in my bed and you know it so stop with the pouty looks you are giving me right now. You are my friend but I am not going to stop sewing my wild oats to please you."

I left her alone to cry her eyes out and I didn't look back in fact I got myself another girl to fuck me that night. I was an asshole and I had no qualms about it!

Two days after that night, we had ferocious sex when she came back to me and begged me to fuck her and I like a poignant ass fucked her hard forgetting that I had made a vow to not touch her. I was seriously a jerk to her and maybe because of that Lily is in this sorry state.

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