Chapter 15

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Arjun threw hard impulsive punches on the punching sack, He was sweating profusely and his hair were soaked wet. He was bathed in his own sweat but still he couldn't forget Radhika's eyes brimming with tears.

All he remembered was Radhika's pale face when she fainted in his arms. He felt something revived in his dead heart remembering her words of hatred. He deserved it then why it pained so much?! Why the hell were her tears feeling like flames burning him to ashes?!

Why the pang of remorse was rousing down his throat?! He had brought her to make her suffer to sooth his own pain But the more he pushed her down in the deep valley of pain, the more she stood up with newfound radiance every time. It was as if she was getting refined every time and he was turning dark, more dark! It pained him somehow and why did it even pained?!

He thought to himself, " Arjun You shouldn't give a damn about how much she cries. Mark says woman are responsible for the perishing of any strong willed hard hearted man. Their tears are disasters than weapons. You have to stay away from her at least till you get a grip over whatever is running inside you. I will leave tomorrow, I just need to be away from her for some time but I can't leave her unprotected and alone with mark in this house. I don't trust Radhika with mark at all, He might hurt her. I will take Mark along with me, Radhika can stay here without fearing anyone. She can rejoice her freedom in this house with no one to watch over her or control her. I also need to get free of this guilt of today. I took it too far to teach her a lesson But no way in hell I will apologize. She needs to learn scumbling to my wishes one day. Once I am back I will teach her."

Next morning

Radhika hazily lifted her eyelashes as the curtains snapped apart caused the warm sunlight to fall on her face. She pulled off the quilt and got up and stretched her arms wide like a baby. She has slept a little late after crying herself to sleep.

She got down on her feet and her gaze struck on Mary who was sweeping the floor. She threaded to her and hesitantly asked," Where is he?!"

He had left last night only and she wondered if he was in bed with some other woman after that.

Mary kept the broom aside and answered," He didn't return since he left last night."

Radhika felt a pain engulfed in her heart. She didn't wanted him to be with her and hurt her more but she didn't want him to even go to someone else. She felt she was so stupid to feel jealous or even hurt after knowing that he wasn't hers only. He never will be, she was always going to be a wife who has to put up with her husband's philandering ways .

Mary as if understood the gloominess in her eyes rubbed her shoulder and spoke," You are feeling hurt, aren't you?!"

Radhika denied shaking her head left right, " No why will I feel hurt?! I am happy because I have the whole room for myself."

Mary chuckled, " You got up and the first thing you asked me that was where is he."

Radhika in a sad tone, " You know Mary how it feels your so called husband was probably in some other girl's arms since last night. I shouldn't be hurt but I don't know why it bothers me."

Mary made her sit on the couch and reasoned with her," You are hurt because you are his wife though you hate him still it will always trigger your womanly instincts to see him with someone else."

Radhika sobbed," But this is wrong, I shouldn't feel hurt. He himself made it clear to me that he will continue seeing other women after this marriage. You know I always wanted a husband who will live up to his commitments, vows, promises till dead do us apart. Like every other girl even I had this dream to have fairytale romance and a prince charming to swept me off my feet. All I ever wanted was a good husband. Is it too much to ask for?!" She looked at Mary, teareyed.

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