Chapter 68

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Arjun's POV

Radhika should consider herself lucky that I am monogamous in nature. I might have sown wild oats in my past but now I am totally committed to my family. I can't wait to hold my little boy in my hands. He sure is going to take after his father but I will like him to have his mother's eyes. I don't think so he should take anything from her nature otherwise he will have a very hard time surviving in this dark world. He must grow up to be coldhearted, unmerciful and a devil in the skin of man just like his father. Then and only then can he rule this empire created by his father.

I love Radhika. I really really do but people like her are often at the receiving end of suffering. I fight back and take back what is rightfully mine but Radhika is forgiving and she lets go of things. If there was a male version of Radhika then I will call that man pathetic!

I know she cares about me a lot and I have noticed it lately. Whether it is ironing my clothes and folding them or giving me my black coffee in the morning without fail, she does everything to ensure that there is peace between both of us. I like it in fact I love it. I just want her to say it on my face once. Also I saw her getting jealous of a woman swooning over me is a give away of her feelings.

I close the distance between us and take her sweet face in my hands," You knows it's only you baby." This the face I want to wake up to every morning. The face of my beloved! I kiss her forehead with pure affection.

She takes me by surprise when I feel the softest peck of her lips on mine. I hold her face in place as I begin ravishing her lips dry. I tug on her lips with my teeth as my tongue unravels the sweetness of her mouth.

I think a lot a woman could tell from the way a man kisses her. I was once told by a woman after I kissed her for the first time, she can write on stamp paper that I am good in bed. I am so delighted that I took my wife's first kiss and her both virginities. When I think about my first kiss then it was with a much older woman. Of course my first fuck was Lily no denying in that. Still my first kiss is something that makes me regret as to why it had to be with that old hag!


I drove to Lara's house on pretense of teaching her electronics but only we knew that what we were going to do behind closed doors. I think Lara was very fuckable and I knew being the cheerleader of the football team of our college gave her all the attention that she wanted. There wasn't a guy in college who did not lust after Lara.

She took me inside and leaned on me to kiss me but I turned my face away. Let's tease her a bit. I know she is a virgin as she told me she did not like a man enough to lose her innocence to him until of course she met me. Well we could be the hot topic in college. The captain  of the football team and the lead cheerleader of the college have something going on between them. Hahaha nothing serious actually I just needed to have sex with someone and she was a willing participant. Mark had send me well prepared with a packet of condoms in my back pocket. You always have to have a net to trap those swimmers. I don't want a baby, do I?!

I had made it clear in the beginning that we will not get romantically involved with each other. She knows I am not boyfriend material and that just works fine with her.

"So you are playing hard to get?!" She asked me with raw hunger in her eyes.

"Yeah you know what an ace player I am on field but now you will know what an ace I am.." I paused and leaned closer to her ear," in bed."

"Hello Arjun." A female's voice startled both of us.

" I am Lara's mom. What can I get for you?! Tea, coffee or should I make a drink?!"

This is unfuckingbelievable! She is lara's mother. She doesn't look a day older than thirty. If I thought Lara is very hot then her mom is one of those models on a fashion magazine cover. I shake off those incest thoughts as I feel she could be of my mamma's age and I shouldn't be thinking of her in such a way.

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